Teachers' Academy
21st Century Modern Pedagogy
What you have to know?
English Language
Modern Pedagogy
Content in English
Glossary & Tests
Projects & Case studies
LMS & Lesson Planes
Master of Teaching Subjects in English
FEYDEY Teacher's Academy (FTA) USA and Switzerland, offers to professional, not-native English speaking teachers, and pedagogy University students an exclusively designed professional teacher trining programs, online and in-person, helping them to build their single lifelong transcript of education and professional skills.
What you will learn as Academics
  • English language
  • Teaching subjects in English
  • 21st century modern pedagogy
  • Project based learning & case studies
  • Glossary, tests, lesson plans in English
  • Personalised, individualised, deeper and blended learning
  • Modern educational models for classroom and online learnin
      Within the next 12 to 52 weeks, FEYDEY will provide teachers with the knowledge and experience necessary to implement Deep Learning in education and complete 21st Century Pedagogy MicroDegree™ program and apply for Master of Teaching Subjects in English (MTSE®) qualification.
      What you will learn as Technology
      • Live tutoring
      • Learning Management system (LMS)
      • Own content development and management
      • Webinars, virtual classroom and presentations
      • 50 courses of K-12 subjects with full content in English
      • School management with innovative modern technologie
      Master of Teaching Subjects in English
      6 Levels to reach the MOTSE® qualification
      Level 1
      English - Beginners Level (A1/A2)
      Content - Learning terminology
      Pedagogy in English - N/A
      Level 2
      English - Pre-Intermediate (A2 / B1)
      Content - Learning speaking
      Pedagogy - Creating lesson planes
      Level 3
      English - Intermediated (B1 / B2)
      Content - Presenting the lesson
      Pedagogy - Blended/Deeper Learning
      Level 4
      English - Upper-Intermediate (B2/C1)
      Content - Listening & Understanding
      Pedagogy - Personalised Learning
      Level 5
      English - Upper-Intermediate (B2/C1)
      Content - Tests & Gradeing
      Pedagogy - Project Based Learning
      Level 6 - MOTSE
      English - Upper-Intermediate (B2/C1)
      Content - Fluent in subject
      Pedagogy - Modern teaching skills
      LEVEL 5 - Advanced (C1/C2)
      This course is designed for non-native English speaking teachers with intermediate or higher English language proficiency C1 - C2.

      The goal of this intensive IELTS preparation course is to improve on the existing knowledge of grammar and vocabulary and to develop IELTS relevant skills and techniques in a short period of time.

      The course will greatly improve your performance in Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking sections of the test ensuring you successfully achieve a high IELTS score.

      The minimum of an 8 week intensive course is recommended
      FEYDEY Teacher's Academy will practice for teachers to take the rigorous instructional content from the curriculum and instruction team and turn it into conversational, age-appropriate activities. Delivering content using an interactive conversational interface which is the most important in Distance Learning
      ● Stimulate the brain
      ● Create feelings of personal connection
      ● Connect response to live tutor or to prerecorded characters
      ● Create suspension of disbelief and give the computer human-like qualities
      Teachers will learn:
      • Glossary in English
      • Lesson planes in English
      • Teaching subjects in English
      • English Language proficiency
      • Speaking & Listening in English
      • Assessment & Self-Assessment
      • Construct arguments
      • Writing and in oral presentations
      • Focus on the core concept of the task
      • Think critically, analytically, and creatively
      • Structure information in meaningful ways
      • Find, evaluate, and synthesise information,
      • Set goals, monitor their own progress,
      • Reflect on their own strengths and areas for improvement.
      • Learn to work collaboratively,
      • Be self-directed and confident,
      • Solve complex problems & Think critically,
      • Succeed in the 21st Century global economy,
      • Communicate effectively & Incorporate feedback
        FEYDEY PTTP Description
        Foundations of Teaching & Earning Credentials
        • Being a Teacher: A Professional Privilege
        • Continuing to Learn in a Changing World
        • How Good is My Classroom?
        • Thinking About Learning.
        Unit 1
        Being the
        • Influences on my learning
        • My learning environment
        • Myself and My Learning
        • Impacts on my learning
        • What is a teacher?
        • How do I learn?
        Unit 3
        Learners Learning
        • The power of the peer group
        • Engaging with students
        • Learning that travels
        • The lives of children
        • How children learn
        • Four key thinkers
        Unit 4
        • Optimising Curriculum Outcomes
        • Getting to know the curriculum
        • Putting Curriculum to Work
        • Curriculum development
        • Theories and Theorists
        • Putting students first
        Unit 5
        Planing for Teaching & Learning
        • What Do We Know About Teaching and Learning
        • Spirals of Inquiry for Planning and Teaching
        • Four Key Questions and Why They Matter
        • Mindsets for Learning and Teaching
        • Teacher Professional Learning
        • Innovation and Change
        Unit 6
        Students Assessment
        • Guidelines for developing and using procedures that involve students in assessment
        • Guidelines for developing and using objectively answered question procedures
        • Guidelines for developing and using human judgment scoring procedures
        • The nature of feedback in improving teaching and learning
        • An Introduction to Assessment Theory and Practice
        • Reporting student achievement
        Unit 7
        Being a Professional
        • Legal and administrative responsibilities of a teacher.
        • Ethics, codes of conduct and standards for teachers.
        • Being part of a professional learning community.
        • Developing a personal philosophy of teaching.
        • Continuing to develop as a professional.
        • What it means to be a professional?
        Unit 8
        Developing Relationship
        • Recognising diversity: Social, Cultural and Values differences in the school.
        • It takes a whole village to educate a child: Working with your community.
        • The importance of parent involvement for student success.
        • The importance of relationships for educational settings.
        • Developing positive teacher-student relationships.
        • Working with your colleagues and school leaders.
        • To identify modifications to existing knowledge structures and theoretical frameworks and therefore to propose new areas for investigation, new problems, new or alternative applications or methodological approaches.

        • To conduct research and produce high quality reports: this includes the ability to select, define and focus upon an issue at an appropriate level; to develop and apply relevant and sound methodologies; to analyze the issue; to develop recommendations and logical conclusions; to be aware of the limitations of the research work.

        • A range of generic skills relevant to the needs of existing and future teacher, delivering subject in English, irrespective of their curriculum. These will include analysis and synthesis, oral and written communication, computing / IT literacy, critical reasoning, data analysis, organisation and planning, problem solving, independent and group working and research.

          In addition to industry-specific modules, this program focuses on development strategies and management styles geared towards creating leaders in the industry who can also apply the same skills to the wider commercial market. Teachers will:

        1. Investigate the impact of teaching subjects in English planning and development on economic, sociocultural and physical environment.

        2. Have a systematic understanding of the modern pedagogy and classes in english organisations, their external contexts and how they are managed.

        3. Critically evaluate the core pedagogy disciplines and methods at work in class with students in English, and be able to apply these in practical contexts.

        4. Explore issues that concern student-teacher relationships.

        At the end of the course SAA Recognised Teacher will be able to demonstrate knowledge of professional terminology and easy use in conversation

        Knowing the content of subject in English, same way as at native language, allow teachers to deliver quality classes in line with 21st Century Modern Pedagogy

        Teachers will be able to prepare and use new or convert existing own tests in English, help students to check their knowledge and make a correct assessment.

        Lesson plans
        Teachers will be able to generate own lesson plans of subject in English, based as on local or international standards, using the Blended Learning educational model.

        SAA Teachers will be able to grading student with correct assessment that is a key component and the most important part of learning because it helps students to see how they are doing in a class, to determine whether or not they understand course material. Assessment can also help motivate students.

        Glossary & Vocabulary
        The teachers will be able to use freely any vocabulary or create own glossary.
        Teachers will be able to demonstrate:
        A systematic, in-depth understanding of the development, issues and influences relevant to teaching subject in English. A high level of theoretical and applied knowledge of the managing classes in English, organisation and provision of 21st Century modern pedagogy. An understanding of the research process in English.

        Teachers will have the ability to:
        Independently critically evaluate approaches and techniques relevant to teaching subjects in English Demonstrate high level learning and problem-solving abilities.

        Teachers will be able to:

        Analyse and synthesise issues related to teaching subjects in English. Other skills developed include communication and presentation skills, computing skills, critical reasoning, data analysis, organization and planning, report and essay writing skills, problem solving skills, interactive and group skills, and research skills. Evaluate the ethical dilemmas likely to arise in research and professional practice, and to formulate solutions in dialogue with students, parents, colleagues, administration and others.
        21st Century Modern Pedagogy course focuses on english language proficiency of teachers, ability of delivering the content in english, strategic decision making in relation to planing and running classes in english. As well as traditional and online teaching and learning methods such as Blended learning, individual and collaborative projects, case studies, and simulations, specific subjects adopt a mix of experiential approaches to facilitate the achievement of richer, deeper, and critical learning.

        During contact hours in classes and individual online learning, for a period of 3 to 12 month, learning approaches will include:

        • Intensive preparation in General English
        • Learning Subject's Content in English
        • Terminology, Vocabulary, Glossary
        • Preparing Lesson Plans in English
        • Developing Tests and tools for assessment
        • Collaborative projects Teacher - Student
        • Real classroom case projects
        • Presentation
        A range of different assessment methods are used across the course both to support the development of a variety of skills and knowledge and to take into account different learning styles.

        Assessments include:
        • Reports
        • Case Studies
        • Examinations
        • Presentations
        • Video Presentations
        • Blogs
        • Reflective Journals
        • Portfolios, etc.
        The professional credentials, in-depth knowledge and critical evaluation and analysis skills developed on the course are designed to prepare teachers for individualised and personalised high quality delivery of subjects in English including:
        Teaching Subjects in English
        Teaching English Language
        Project Based Learning
        Blended Learning
        Deeper Learning
        Student - Teacher Cooperation and Collaboration skills
        Academic Requirements:

        • Undergraduate Degree in Pedagogy

        • Undergraduate Degree in teaching subject at native language

        • Minimum 5 years of experience teaching subject in native language

        • Minimum 3 years of FULL Time teaching in school, college or University

        English Language Requirements:

        • To start the course - IELTS 4.0 or Equivalent, or Academic English Certificate (from SAA)

        • To graduate the course - IELTS 6.5 or Equivalent, or Academic English Certificate (from SAA)
        • SAA Recognised Teacher or Trainer

        • Academic English Certificate (from SAA)

        • Teaching Subjects in English Certificate (from SAA)

        • 21st Century Modern Pedagogy Certificate (from SAA)

        • MTSE (Master of Teaching Subjects in English) Accreditation
        This Program Overview covers the Master of Teaching Subjects in English (MTSE) in 21st Century Modern Pedagogy, a blended - mostly online and partially on campus – program, and the SAA Recognised Certificate program, designed and delivered by the Swiss American Academy.

        Program 1 - English Language A1 to C2,
        Program 2 - 21st Century Modern Pedagogy
        Program 3 - Teaching Subjects in English

        Duration 12 to 32 weeks,
        Number of Modules: 3 to 10
        Educational Model: Blended Learning
        Cost, per program per teacher: $550 to $985 USD (depending on total number of contact weeks (Min. 8))
        PBL is a teaching methodology that utilises student - centered projects to facilitate student learning with proven impact achieved by improving problem solving and thinking skills, and engaging students in their learning. Project based learning allows teachers to act as facilitators, placing emphasis on student-directed learning as the teacher facilitates the students' activities.

        Significant Content
        At its core, the project is focused on teaching students important knowledge and skills, derived from standards and key concepts at the heart of academic subjects.

        21st Century Competencies
        Students build competencies valuable for today's world, such as problem solving, critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity/innovation, which are explicitly taught and assessed.

        In-Depth Inquiry
        Students are engaged in an extended, rigorous process of asking questions, using resources, and developing answers.

        Driving Question
        Project work is focused by an open-ended question that students understand and find intriguing, which captures their task or frames their exploration.

        Need to Know
        Students see the need to gain knowledge, understand concepts, and apply skills in order to answer the Driving Question and create project products, beginning with an Entry Event that generates interest and curiosity.

        Voice and Choice
        Students are allowed to make some choices about the products to be created, how they work, and how they use their time, guided by the teacher and depending on age level and PBL experience.

        Critique and Revision
        The project includes processes for students to give and receive feedback on the quality of their work, leading them to make revisions or conduct further inquiry.

        Public Audience
        Students present their work to other people, beyond their classmates and teacher.
        The term blended learning is generally applied to the practice of using both online and in-person learning experiences when teaching students. In a blended-learning course, for example, students might attend a class taught by a teacher in a traditional classroom setting, while also independently completing online components of the course outside of the classroom. In this case, in-class time may be either replaced or supplemented by online learning experiences, and students would learn about the same topics online as they do in class—i.e., the online and in-person learning experiences would parallel and complement one another

        Blended Learning also called hybrid learning and mixed-mode learning, blended-learning experiences may vary widely in design and execution from school to school. For example, blended learning may be provided in an existing school by only a few teachers or it may be the dominant learning-delivery model around which a school's academic program is designed.
        Online learning may be a minor component part of a classroom-based course, or video-recorded lectures, live video and text chats, and other digitally enabled learning activities may be a student's primary instructional interaction with a teacher. In some cases, students may work independently on online lessons, projects, and assignments at home or elsewhere, only periodically meeting with teachers to review their learning progress, discuss their work, ask questions, or receive assistance with difficult concepts.

        • Academic skills
        • Collaboration skills
        • Communication skills
        • Time management skills
        • Speaking & Listening skill

        • self-confidence
        • Able to present
        • Language proficiency
        • Learn collaborative work
        • Highly motivated student

        • Problem Solving
        • Decision Making
        • Self-Assessment
        • Academic Mindset
        • World Identification

        • Motivation Letter
        • 2 High School Diploma
        • Accredited K-12 content
        • College & Career Ready
        • Learn subjects in English
        • Native speaking instructors

        • Live tutoring
        • Formative Feedback
        • Self-directed Learning
        • International Webinars
        • 24/7 Academic support
        • K-12 subjects in English
        • Projects Based Learning
        • IELTS & SAT Preparation

        • Personal Data security
        • Modern Educational LMS
        • Blinded & Deeper Learning
        • Digital Citizenship
        • 24/7 Technical support
        • Administrative Dashboard
        • Interactive writing tools
        SAA Accredited Online Tutors & Teachers
        Earn Good Money!
        Wherever you want
        From home or office, school or University, hotel or car, play ground or garden, using computer, tablet or smartphone you will be always able to deliver your classes to students in comfort and high quality, not missing most important events of your life.
        Whenever you want
        Day and night, weekdays or weekends, during holidays or short brake, 24 / 7, SAA Tutor will be able to earn additional money delivering professional classes ONLINE.
        As much as you want
        All our professionals have more than 5 years of legal experiences. They use their knowledge to make our clients life better.
        SAA Pedagogy (Project - 2016)
        More then 2500 teachers are trained in Kazakhstan during 2015 - 2018
        Advance & Proficiency (C1 & C2)
        IELTS 6.5 and above

        This English Language courses are designed for those who can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognise implicit meaning. Can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes. Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing a controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices.
        SAA Pedagogy (Courses in Mangistau Region, Kazakhstan - 2017)
        More then 2500 teachers are trained in Kazakhstan during 2015 - 2018
        Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate Level (B1 to B2)

        This Course is aimed at non-native English speaking teachers with intermediate English Language proficiency B1 - B2. The goal of the course is to improve pre-existing language skills, including grammar, reading, writing, listening, speaking and comprehension in order to achieve a minimum 5.5 IELTS in a short period of time.

        This course will allow to achieve the level of english necessary to gain essential 21st Century Pedagogy skills and curriculum content that can be effectively applied in your classroom immediately. The outcome of the course will be IELTS and SAA Qualified Teacher's certificates that would allow to teach subjects in English
        SAA Pedagogy (Courses in Mangistau Region, Kazakhstan - 2017)
        More then 2500 teachers are trained in Kazakhstan during 2015 - 2018
        Beginners and Elementary Level (A1 & A2)

        SAA English Language courses are designed for those who are only beginning on the road towards English proficiency Pre A1, A1 & A2 for teaching subjects in English. The goal is to equip non-native English speaking teachers with all the necessary grammar, reading, writing, listening and comprehension skills that are needed for progression to B1 Level.

        Aimed at teachers with nonexistent or limited knowledge of the language, the course is taught through a variety of methods including online and blended learning.
        SAA Pedagogy (Courses in Mangistau Region, Kazakhstan - 2017)
        More then 2500 teachers are trained in Kazakhstan during 2015 - 2018

        During courses, Teachers will be trained to provide to students with an education that maximises the realisation of their individual talents, prepares them for success in a technology and information driven 21st Century Economy, and incorporate the following design principles:

        · Teacher-led and student - centred
        · High expectations with self-pacing and mastery based credit
        · Deeper Learning
        · One-to-One technology with Blended Learning resources
        · A curriculum focus on project-based STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) with a particular emphasis on information technology
        Reducing Cognitive Load:
        According to cognitive load theory, working memory can become overloaded when learners are not provided sufficient guidance, especially when learning new material, because learners are
        unable to connect the new material to what they already know.
        online activities contain text, graphics, animation, and audio. Students are engaged through music, graphics, animation, and interaction. The use of multimedia is designed to enhance the learning experience; not overwhelm the student. Interactive multimedia addresses the various learning styles and multiple intelligences of students.
        Student learning gaps identified through the diagnostic assessments can then be targeted through a collection of digital learning objects – what FEYDEY calls a learning path. Learning paths represent an effective model of prescription because they are tightly aligned to the diagnostic assessment results.
        Sequence material from simple to complex:
        FEYDEY accomplishes this through the construction of learning paths for students (comprised of well-sequenced digital learning objects) and through its flexible design, which allows teachers to leverage their own scope and sequence.
        We are able to combine a full academic curriculum with project-based learning since the blended learning pedagogy frees up significant teacher time for one-on-one and small group activities; we also have a longer school day and longer school year.
        This FEYDEY Online Olympiad test will allow you to assess your English language skills and gain understanding of the structure of the international online Olympiad - a vital part of the FEYDEY Curriculum.

        The goal is to be prepared to help students of all ages and levels to achieve great results in the International Olympiad. Taking the test will give you a chance to develop your own pedagogical strategies for successful completion of the Olympiad to apply in your classroom, such as time management and reading techniques.

        As a result of this testing you will acquire in-demand skills, gain the FEYDEY qualified teachers status, and accelerate your career!