Policies & Procedures

FEYDEY International S.A.
FEYDEY International
"Go Beyond with Confidence"
35 Route de Belvedere, CH-1854 Leysin, Switzerland
Middle & High School office: + 41 24 477 6000

Registered Trade Mark GSE® (Global Secondary Education)

Dear Students and Parents,

On behalf of the faculty, staff and student council, I am pleased to welcome new and returning students to FEYDEY International for the 2020-2021 school year. We intend to make the student experience at FEYDEY International a positive one by striving to provide a safe and nurturing learning environment while preparing students to excel in post-secondary education and careers.

This handbook is arranged to answer questions you might have and to provide clear information regarding expectations for student conduct at FEYDEY International. Please read this handbook carefully so that you are aware of school policies and procedures.

By under-standing and complying with these policies and procedures, students will enjoy an environment designed to promote the greatest academic success. Please call the school if you have questions, concerns or successes you would like to share with us. We will be happy to assist you at any time.

George Makhviladze

General Information

"Go Beyond with Confidence"

Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide students with an education that maximises the realisation of their individual talents, enables them to be ready for careers, prepares them for success in a technology and information driven 21st Century economy and delivers a perfect and modern learning model for education and career development.

Vision Statement
Our intention is to foster self-improvement without sacrificing self-identity; to reach for the stars without losing touch with our essential selves; to transcend the boundaries of current thinking, and to tap into the wisdom of previous generations, thus maximising the potential of our students through the creation of powerful educational systems.

Student learning should be the chief priority for all FEYDEY staff members.

A safe, supportive environment based on positive relationships and mutual respect promotes student learning and self-esteem.

Each student should be provided with a variety of instructional approaches that reflect an individualised and personalised learning, individual's unique physical, social, emotional, and intellectual needs.

The commitment to continuous improvement is imperative to empower students to be confident, self-directed members of society.

The community, parents, school staff, and students share the responsibility for advancing the FEYDEY mission.

Education continues to play a vital role in the life and future success of every young person. To succeed in today's global society, the modern international student has an advantage, having already lived a lifestyle of learning, developing and growing in a multi-cultural and multi-lingual environment. Recognising these advantages, international educational opportunities have become the highest priority for parents.

FEYDEY will offer to families an exclusively designed, high quality academic program, to insure that Middle and High school students master their core curriculum, think critically, analytically and can solve complex problems.

FEYDEY Board of Trustees

The Legislature of the FEYDEY International delegates to the Board responsibility for the conduct and governance of Middle & High schools.

Members of Board of Trustees

CEO & President - Mr. George Makhviladze (Georgia)

Chairperson - Mr. Brian Rikley (Swedish)

Vice-Chairperson - Mr. Nikolas Tranter (UK)

Building / Residence - Mr. Julien Murgatroyd (France)

Marketing / Customer relations - Mrs. Ashley Beguelin (Switzerland)

What to Bring with you


Situated just ninety minutes from Geneva and perched on a beautiful Swiss mountain top, the village of Leysin provides an ideal and inspiring location for deep learning and reflection.

The Swiss Alpine Centre can accommodate up to 250 students and offers a wide range of in-house facilities. This include classrooms, a library, computer labs, meeting rooms, a large and well-equipped theatre, a dance studio, a fitness room and internet café, a tuck-shop, an arts & crafts room, a climbing wall and common rooms with table tennis, football, TV and board games.

Along with the picturesque mountain setting, the village of Leysin has an impressive range of first-class leisure facilities accessible by an efficient and sophisticated local infrastructure. These include ski and snowboarding slopes, mountain bike and hiking routs, two modern, well-equipped sports centres with a multi-sports indoor hall, indoor swimming pool, full size ice-skating rink, tennis courts (carpet and clay), mini-golf course, squash courts, football pitch, mountain hut, archery range, climbing range, basketball and beach volleyball courts, fitness gym and climbing walls. Trekking and adventure trails, a natural rock-climbing training area, cycling paths, a campfire area, river-rafting and welcoming mountain huts for overnight stays are available to more adventurously inclined students.

Everyday items

(Please remember that in Leysin the weather can change dramatically all through the year)

  • Free time clothes to last at least one week (laundry available) and appropriate for all kinds of weather. From hot summer to cold winter.
  • Appropriate footwear for walking in a mountain village in the heat, cold, rain and snow.
  • Headwear for sun protection and warmth.
  • Toiletry bag and enough toiletries to last the first week.
  • Phone, Computer and appropriate chargers.
  • Towels and Washcloths (bed linens are provided)
  • Hair dryer (220v)
  • Umbrella
  • Book bag
  • Musical instruments (These may be brought from home, rented or purchased locally. Musical instruments are not included in the price of private instruction and are not provided by FEYDEY.)

Extra-Curricular and Activities clothing/Equipment
All students take part in various extra-curricular activities.
Proper clothing and equipment is essential for both comfort and safety when participating in everything from indoor sports to outdoor adventures to even cultural trips.
Please be sure to bring or be prepared to purchase adequate (more than one set) of appropriate clothing and equipment for specific indoor and outdoor sporting and cultural activities.

Ski / Snowboarding clothing and equipment

All Students MUST wear helmets and approved outdoor ski/snowboard apparel.Ski/Snowboard equipment may be brought from home, however must be in proper, safe condition. There is also the opportunity to rent quality equipment at a discounted rate in Leysin. Leysin Feydey winter activity jackets must also be worn at all times while skiing or snowboarding and can be purchased at at the school.

Living at FEYDEY

Swiss Alpine Center and Club House are two dormitory buildings where FEYDEY students are accommodated.
Students are under supervision 24/7. 7:30am to 9:30pm at school and 9:30pm to 7:30am at residence.
Boys and girls are accommodated on different flours and / or differ t wings of residence.

The assignment process is complex and involves factors such as:
  • sex
  • grade
  • seniority
  • Native language
  • the student's length of stay at the school

Some students may never have shared a room before and this is an exciting opportunity to learn about others and themselves, forming bonds, memories and friendships that can last a lifetime.
It is important to arrive at Feydey with the desire and willingness to share living spaces and common areas; to be open to discovering new personalities, cultures and ways of living. The understanding and cooperation that communal living asks of our students is an important part of their self-discovery, independence and confidence building. A student arriving at Feydey with an open mind and a readiness to understand different situations will enhance the educational value of the experience immeasurably.

Students will receive their rooms in a clean and proper state, together with their room mate they are responsible for any damage done to the room through wilful or negligent actions, the following rules apply to rooms.
  • Rooms are private no one is to enter someone else's room without inhabitants express invitation.
  • There is to be no cooking in rooms.
  • No open flames or burning of anything.
  • Boys and Girls are not allowed in each other's rooms.
  • Rooms must be quiet after lights out.
  • Rooms will be inspected weekly and must be kept tidy.
  • The dorm room door must be free from obstruction.
  • Nails, tacks, and staples cannot be used on surfaces.
  • White Sticky Tack only can be used on white walls.
  • Stickers are not allowed on any surface in a room.

LAUNDRY Facilities
Each residence building provides laundry facilities with laundry powder free of charge.

Any kind of pets including fish are NOT permitted

Especially for Parents - 10 Simple Suggestions
1. Be involved in your child's academic program of study.
Make sure that your child is challenged and taking courses now that will help meet future goals. Using FEYDEY LMS (Learning Management System – Parents account) track students' progress.

2. Get your child involved in a daily activity…but don't overextend!
Our research shows that students, who are involved in an activity, club, sport, music, projects etc., are much more likely to have a positive high school experience and get better grades than students who are not involved.

3. Know your child's friends.
Research shows that when a student is faced with a critical decision, the influence of peers (positive and negative) and parents/families make the difference.

4. Attend the School's Open House (Even if it is presented online!).
Get acquainted with the school's teachers, principal, and counsellor. Learn about where your child will be attending to show your support and interest in their academic success.

5. Prevent your child from getting lost in the shuffle.
Be vigilant in keeping in touch with teachers and checking your child's grades on FEYDEY LMS regularly.

6. Encourage your child to find an adult mentor
Research shows that when a student makes positive connections with adults (teachers, guidance counsellors, coaches, etc.), it helps students as they cope with struggles.

7. Remember that all teenagers (including straight-A students) need proper supervision.
This supervision includes online supervision and supervision of technology. Remember, good kids make mistakes too. Your child should always know that you love him/her, as well as the expectations you have for him/her. Know where your child is and who they are with all the time.

8. Get to know your child's teachers and guidance counsellor.
Stay in positive contact with the teachers and don't be afraid to ask for help. Remember that email is a great tool for quick information, but it's not such a great tool for dealing with more-difficult issues. (We advise to attend monthly live meeting with teachers).

9. Visit your child at list once a year at school
Been far from home is big challenge for each child. Developing strong, educated and independent personality, friendly environment, students will be happy to share with parents own achievement and presents success stories.

10. Limit and monitor the media to which your child is exposed.
Studies indicate that children, age 8 to 18 years of age are spending on average nearly 4 hours a day in front of a television screen, with almost an additional 2 hours on the computer (outside of schoolwork) and playing video games.
We are ensuring our families that your child at FEYDEY has a wide variety of day and evening activities after classes, such as reading, playing sports, and participating in constructive activities with friends and tutors, that leaves less then 60 minutes free time per day to communicate online with family watch favourite videos or play games online.

6. Encourage your child to find an adult mentor
Research shows that when a student makes positive connections with adults (teachers, guidance counsellors, coaches, etc.), it helps students as they cope with struggles.

7. Remember that all teenagers (including straight-A students) need proper supervision.
This supervision includes online supervision and supervision of technology. Remember, good kids make mistakes too. Your child should always know that you love him/her, as well as the expectations you have for him/her. Know where your child is and who they are with all the time.

8. Get to know your child's teachers and guidance counsellor.
Stay in positive contact with the teachers and don't be afraid to ask for help. Remember that email is a great tool for quick information, but it's not such a great tool for dealing with more-difficult issues. (We advise to attend monthly live meeting with teachers).

9. Visit your child at list once a year at school
Been far from home is big challenge for each child. Developing strong, educated and independent personality, friendly environment, students will be happy to share with parents own achievement and presents success stories.

10. Limit and monitor the media to which your child is exposed.
Studies indicate that children, age 8 to 18 years of age are spending on average nearly 4 hours a day in front of a television screen, with almost an additional 2 hours on the computer (outside of schoolwork) and playing video games.

We are ensuring our families that your child at FEYDEY has a wide variety of day and evening activities after classes, such as reading, playing sports, and participating in constructive activities with friends and tutors, that leaves less then 60 minutes free time per day to communicate online with family watch favourite videos or play games online.

Parent and Student Daily Access to students' progress and grades (FEYDEY LMS)
Parents are encouraged to stay informed regarding their child's progress. Parents are able to stay up-to-date of their child's progress more than ever before. At FEYDEY we utilize an internet program, FEYDEY LMS, which allows parents to access their child's attendance, schedule, grades, teachers' lesson plans, and more. Parents should regularly check their child's progress to ensure their child's highest academic achievement. A parent can access FEYDEY LMS* by following the link "Sign In" on school website. Admission office will provide to you students and parents personal username and password.
*(LMS – Learning Management System).

They are:
  1. 1.The right to inspect and copy the student's education records.
  2. 2.The right to request amendment of any records believed to be inaccurate, misleading, irrelevant or improper.
  3. 3.The right to permit disclosure of personally identifiable information, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
  4. 4.The right to a copy of any school record proposed to be destroyed or deleted.
  5. 5.The right to prohibit release of directory information.
  6. 6.The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the district to comply with the requirements of FERPA.

Transfer from FEYDEY
Transfer grades as of the last date of enrolment at FEYDEY will be generated. When the student enters another school, the receiving school will request the student's records and will combine, where applicable, the transfer grades with those earned at the new school. Students must officially withdraw through the office and pay any outstanding fees or fines before any records are forwarded. The final decision for grades will rest with the new school.

Transfer to FEYDEY
A transfer of credits from any secondary school is subject to a satisfactory examination of the following:
  1. 1.Appropriate certificates of school accreditation;
  2. 2.Length of course, school day, and school year;
  3. 3.Content and standard of applicable courses;
  4. 4.Transcripts for last 3 academic years approved by school. Appropriate evaluation of student performance leading toward credit issuance.
FEYDEY will follow California Department of Education and Common Core Standards, along with local (internal) alternate procedures for earning credit, in reviewing requests for transfer of credits. The principal has authority for approving credit transfers, subject to review by the Board of Trustees.

FEYDEY's Middle and High school internal Act requires to adopt challenging academic standards and tests. There are three levels of scores for students testing in mathematics, reading or language arts, science, and English language proficiency as needed. Alternate tests are available for gifted students and students with significant disabilities

Academic tests help school personnel identify strengths and weakness to help improve instruction. The goal is to have all students participate. As a parent, you have the right to request testing information. If you decide you do not want your child to participate in school testing, please contact the Principal to explain why.

All children with disabilities can join academic year at FEYDEY through distance learning. FEYDEY LMS allow students with special needs have individualised and personalised distance learning online and live tutoring. Each student that qualifies for special education services will be placed on a FEYDEY Individual Education Plan (FIEP) that addresses the specific needs of that student. Special education students will receive specific assistance as determined during that student's Evaluation Report meeting. The special education program has as its goals: improved success for students in school; the acquisition of lifetime learning skills that will enable students to become successful adults.

Teachers routinely assess each student in the school to provide targeted interventions in Reading and Math. Student interventions are routinely monitored for fidelity to ensure that students are challenged, making adequate progress, and are prepared for the next grade level and graduation. Interventions include a range of support for students including: academic support, behavioural support and gifted and talented. All interventions are provided by the school at no additional cost to families.


Student Medication
All medications, prescribed or over the counter, must be delivered to and kept in the school office. The medication must be properly labelled with dates, name of student, medication name, dosage and physician's name. Over the counter medications must be accompanied by a signed note from the parent indicating the proper dosage and use. Authorization forms need to be submitted with the medications to the office. Students are strongly encouraged to take medications before and after school when possible to eliminate the need for school personnel to administer medications.

Students who must take a prescription medication during school hours must do the following:

  1. 1.Have parents fill out the school's prescription medication form.
  2. 1.Provide a doctor's or pharmacist's authorization specifying the type, dosage, and purpose of the medication.
  3. 2.Give the medication to the office where it will be kept in a secure place and made available at the proper time for dosage by a qualified staff member.
  4. 3.Over the counter medications are not allowed.
All medications must be kept in the office and taken under office supervision.

Students who have a prescription for an asthma inhaler are allowed to carry the inhaler on their persons. Excessive use or improper use will be cause for intervention by staff.

To ensure students' safety during an emergency, FEYDEY regularly and routinely practices emergency drills. Students are to move quietly, quickly and calmly, leaving all books and materials behind. Students are to remain with their classroom teacher after exiting the building for roll call during the drill. Students should keep a safe distance away from buildings until instructed by their teacher to return to class.

The steps for how teachers respond during each of the emergency drills are as follows:

  • Check hallways for clear escape route.
  • Immediately evacuate using the nearest available marked exits away from the hazard.
  • Check that everyone is out of the room
  • Close, but do not lock the door.
  • Proceed with your class to assigned locations.

  • Check hallways for clear escape route.
  • Immediately evacuate using the nearest available marked exits.
  • Check that everyone is out of the room.
  • Turn off lights.
  • Close, but do not lock the door.
  • Proceed on foot to Student Meeting Point at Leysin-Feydey station or to assigned buses.
  • At the Student Meeting Point take roll & report any missing students to the Principal immediately.

Active Threat

  • Go into Lockdown if the threat is near (follow lockdown steps below).
If route is clear, follow these steps:

  • Find a clear escape route.
  • Immediately evacuate using the nearest safest exits.
  • Lead students to safe place.
  • take roll & report any missing students to the Principal immediately.

  • Lock doors.
  • Cover door window if needed.
  • Barricade door if needed.
  • Turn off lights.
  • Move to the centre of the room, or an area where you cannot be seen through the windows.
  • Take roll and ensure that all students are together.
  • DO NOT respond to a knock/voice at the door.
  • Wait for the "All Clear" on PA.

Students involved in an accident on campus or during a school sponsored activity, no matter how trivial, must fill out an Accident Report Form, which is found in the main office.

Address and Emergency Numbers
Please notify the school if your child's address or phone number changes throughout the course of the year. The name of emergency contacts also needs to be kept current.

Child Custody
In most cases, when parents are divorced, legally separated, or have never married, one parent is designated by the court as the custodial parent. If you are the custodial parent, the noncustodial parent has the right to access the child's records, receive any pertinent school information regarding the child, and have contact with the child on school property unless there is a court order limiting these rights. In this case, you need to give a copy of the court order to the principal to keep in the student's file.

Parent/Student Communication
There are times that students and parents need to communicate throughout the course of the school day. If you need to contact your student during the day, please call the office, and if it will not cause a disruption in instructional time, you will be connected to the classroom. If the call is made during instructional time, the office will take a message and have your student call you during a break. If students need to call home, they may ask their teacher for a pass, and then call home from the office phone.

We appreciate the presence of parents and visitors and hope that the guidelines below will help make visits to the school beneficial for everyone.
All visitors must check in and check out at the front office and pick up a visitor's pass. This is to ensure the safety of all students and to protect the educational environment.
All visitors must comply with all school safety and security policies, procedures or protocols. School visitors shall not interfere with school operations or delivery of educational services to students.

Parents may drop items or notes for their students in the office. Students will be called to the office to pick up the items for notes at a convenient time.
Parents may request to have their students come to the office when parents need to speak directly to their students. If desired, the school will provide a private location for the conversation.

Parents are encouraged to visit classrooms or to offer their assistance for class projects for field trips or other classroom activities. We request that parents contact teachers and/or the office ahead of time in order to ensure safety and to minimize classroom disruptions. Teachers are not available for unscheduled meetings during class time. If you wish to set up a meeting, please contact the teacher in order to set those up before coming to the school.
In order to create an environment most conducive to learning, students are not allowed to bring visitors to school. Typically these visitors have little to do and can become a distraction to class routine.

FEYDEY encourages visits by parents and community members to the school and school related activities. Visitors must sign in and receive a visitor's pass at the office on entering the school. The visitor must indicate the reason for the visit and should only visit the area authorized by office personnel. Violators of this rule will be considered trespassing.

Head Lice Policy
Head lice exist worldwide and are one of life's frustrations. They are not a threat to health and do not carry disease. There is no reason for panic, shame, or embarrassment. They do, however, require persistent treatment to eliminate.

Head lice are most commonly spread with head-to-head contact and our students are instructed throughout the year on how to protect themselves: avoid touching heads or hair of other students inside or outside the classroom and not using other students' combs, brushes, hats, coats and headphones. Performing regular head checks at home help prevent major infestations of head lice. There are a variety of products available for treatment, but the directions must be followed to be effective.

Any school staff member can refer a student to the office for a head check if that student appears to be excessively scratching over the ears or at the base of the neck. If head lice are found, the student's counsellor is called and he/she is sent home (to room) with instructions for treatment. The student may return to school the next day after proper treatment.

When Should a Student Stay Home (in their room)?
In most situations the school prefers children to come to school and if they become ill at school, the parent / guardian / counsellor will be notified. However, here are a few guidelines to help parent / guardian / counsellor in deciding when to keep a child from school.

Your child should be kept home (in room) from school from the time you first notice symptoms until all spots are scabbed over.

If your child has symptoms of conjunctivitis (red eyes, red swollen eyelids, watery or yellow discharge resulting in crusty eyelids or eyes stuck shut especially upon arising in the morning) you should contact your health care provider. If your child has been diagnosed with conjunctivitis and antibiotic eye drops or ointment has been prescribed, then he/she should receive the drops or ointment for 24 hours before returning to school.

If your child has diarrhea he/she should not attend school until the stool can be contained by toilet use.

A temperature over 37C degrees is considered a fever. Fever is the body's normal response to infections and plays a role in fighting them. It is recommended that your child be kept home (at room) until the fever is gone for 24 hours.

Head Lice
If your child has head lice he/she must be treated with an anti-lice shampoo before attending school. All nits must be removed! Please notify the school if your child has been treated for head lice or if you suspect head lice. We will be happy to check your child and other siblings if you are unsure.

If your child has been started on a new medication please give the first dose at home (or instruct counsellor to do so at room) and observe for adverse reactions for at least 2 hours before sending them to school. Contact the school nurse if your child will need to take medication during the school day.

Strep Throat
If your child has been diagnosed with strep throat he/she should be kept home (in room) for 24 hours after antibiotic treatment has been started.

If your child has vomited two or more times in the previous 24 hours they should be kept at home or at the (in room).


Attendance Policy

To reach the goal of maximum educational benefits for each child requires a regular continuity of instruction, classroom participation, learning experiences, and study. Regular interaction of students with one another in the classroom and their participation in instructional activities under the tutelage of competent teachers is vital to the entire process of education. This established principle of education underlies, and gives purpose to the requirement of compulsory schooling. The instructional program schools have to offer can only be presented to students in attendance with Blended Learning educational model using FEYDEY LMS.

A student's regular school attendance also reflects dependability and is a significant component on a student's permanent record. Future employers are as much concerned about punctuality and dependability as they are about academic record. School success, scholarship, and job opportunity are greatly affected by a good attendance record.

A student's attendance is the responsibility of both the parent and the student. Both parties must recognize that regular and timely attendance is necessary in order for the student to receive maximum benefit from the instructional program and to develop the good habits of punctuality, self-discipline, and responsibility. Students who do not abide by the policies governing student attendance will be subject to the listed consequences.

The following rules and regulations are considered FEYDEY policy and will be enforced:

  1. After accumulating five or more absences in any one class during an ten week grading period, the student may lose credit for the class. Upon occurrence of the four absence, the student will meet with the Attendance Committee to see if any interventions need to take place. Upon the occurrence of the five absence, the student will go before the Attendance Committee to determine if credit will be denied. If credit is denied, the student may appeal the decision to the Principal.
  2. The five days of absences per grading period described above apply to, but are not limited to, the following:
    1. a.Personal illness
    2. b.Professional appointments that could not be scheduled outside of the regular school day
    3. c.Other serious personal or family concerns
    4. d.Emergency work approved by parents
    5. e.Trips and family vacations.
  3. Any student who is absent from school without his/her parents' knowledge or permission will be considered truant.
    A student who leaves school without checking out through the Attendance Clerk is also considered truant. Truancy is subject to disciplinary action including suspension.
  4. If a student needs to leave at lunch or to a local school activity (that they are not participating in), the counsellor must come to the school and check the student out and return with that student upon check-in.
  5. Absences due to school sponsored activities, including field trips, athletic contests, etc., will not count toward the total five absences per grading period. However, students who are absent because of these activities are expected to have their work made up ahead of time.
  6. In case of a serious accident, extended serious illness, or other emergency situations, an extension of the five day limit may be granted after a hearing before the principal.
    The decision of the principal may be appealed to the President of Schools and possibly to the Board of Trustees. Special circumstances will be left to the discretion of the principal.
  7. The office will make every effort to contact the parents of a student concerning absences. Parents are encouraged to call the high school each time their student is absent.
  8. Accurate attendance records will be kept by each teacher, and absences will be turned into the office daily.
  9. Parents will be notified when their student has accumulated three days of absences in any class. A conference may be scheduled between the principal and parent(s) when the student has missed a class four times.
  10. A student may not drop below two classes per day to maintain current enrolment requirements.
  11. A student must attend all his/her classes during the school day to be eligible to participate in school activities that day or evening. The only exception to this rule is when the parent / guardian / counsellor notifies the principal or Activities Coordinator of the student's absence due to a medical appointment.
  12. An unresolved, unexcused absence becomes a truancy after 48 hours.


Upon returning to school following any absence, except a school sponsored activity, the student must report to the office and obtain an admittance slip. Admittance slips will be issued on the basis of a note explaining the absence from a counsellor. Students receiving an excused absence admittance slip will have one school day for each day of absence to make up their work and receive full credit. Credit may not be earned for truancies.

Truancy absences are those absences for which a student deliberately, without cause, or knowledge of parents / guardian / counsellor, fails to attend class. Absences that are unexcused or not cleared within 48 hours are also considered truancies. Absences beyond five days per semester will be considered unexcused unless a medical (doctor's) note is provided. Chronic truancy shall be defined as 60 period absences, or a total of 10 days per semester. Chronic truants will be reported to legal authorities as prescribed by law.

Student's Responsibility
It is the student's responsibility to:
  1. 1.Attend class on time every day that school is in session;
  2. 1.Be aware of and follow the correct procedures when absent from class;
  3. 2.Request any missed assignments due to an absence; and
  4. 3.Complete assigned work according to the expectations above.
Parent's or Guardian's or Counsellor's Responsibility
It is the responsibility of the student's parent/guardian to:
  1. 1. Ensure the student is attending school;
  2. 1.Inform the school in the event of a student's absence;
  3. 2.Be aware of and follow the correct procedures for reporting student absences;
  4. 3.Work cooperatively with the school and the student to resolve any attendance issues that may arise.
  5. 4.If a parent wishes to have schoolwork collected on the day of the absence, we ask that the request be made by 10 AM in order to allow teachers sufficient time to gather the work. The work can be picked up at the end of the day (online).

Excused Absences

Excused absences include family authorized and school authorized absences. The following reasons shall be sufficient to constitute excused absences:
  1. 1. Personal illness
  2. 1.Family emergency or death in the family
  3. 2.Professional appointments that could not be scheduled outside of the school day
  4. 3.Other activities as approved by the school such as family trips or vacations

Vacation During the School Year
It is strongly encouraged that family vacations take place during school holidays. It is very difficult, if not impossible, to make-up work missed during an extended absence. Classroom experiences include direct instruction, group activities, individual activities, practice, and application of new learning. When these activities are missed, it is impossible to recreate them.

If a Student Becomes Ill During the Day:
  1. 1.Students must request a pass from their teacher to come to the office.
  2. 1.If parents come to take the student home or counsellor to the room they must sign the student out at the front office. Students may only leave with an adult who is on the list of approved persons in that student's file.
  3. 2.If students return to class they must have a pass from the front office.

Teachers will address the first six student tardies. Students are allowed four cumulative tardies per quarter for all courses scheduled in that quarter. The 5th (and subsequent) tardies will result in referrals to Detention. A late arrival to class more than ten minutes after class is scheduled to begin will be treated as an absence and will require checking in with the attendance clerk.

Activity Calendar

A master schedule of all student activities will be maintained by the Activities Coordinator. Requests for approval of an activity must be within a reasonable time to ensure scheduling the event. Any activities scheduled on Sunday must have prior approval by the Principal.

Assemblies scheduled during the school day have educational value and therefore attendance at assemblies is required. Students attending assemblies or concerts at FEYDEY will conduct themselves in a way that will show respect for those speaking or performing and reflect well on themselves and the school. Students must be attentive and respectful by showing their appreciation by applauding appropriately.
All students are required to attend school assemblies that are held during the school day unless specifically excused. Students not attending an assembly will be considered truant and disciplinary action will be taken.

Dances & Social Activities
Dances and other social activities can be sponsored by any group recognized by FEYDEY as a school club or organization. Guidelines are available from the principal for sponsoring such an activity.
All social activities will be held in school owned facilities, with the possible exception of the prom, during the regular school year and must end before 12:00 midnight.
Closed door policies will be observed at all dances. Students will not be permitted to re-enter a dance unless special permission to leave has been given by the chaperone. No entry will be allowed one half hour after the start of the dance.
Since prom is a special event for our students, parents attending are asked to leave immediately following the Grand March.
Students wishing to bring a guest to a FEYDEY dance must fill out a Guest Dance Request and turn it into the office one week before the dance.


"Half Day Ski & Snowboarding" or "Fun & Outdoor Education"
It is the policy of the Board of Trustees that Wednesday after lunch time will be reserved as "Ski & Snowboarding" (Winter) or " Fun & Outdoor Education" (Autumn and Spring) activities and no school sanctioned activities will be scheduled for same time.

Child Supervision
Any child under the age of fourteen (14) must be accompanied and under the supervision of an adult to be a spectator at athletic contests and school activities.

Saturday evenings
Literacy & Theatre Day

Saturday afternoon
Parents hour (online meetings)

Thursday evening
Journalism, Worlds News - Sport, Art, Innovations


Daily Announcements
In order to facilitate communications within the school, daily announcements will be made available. The student section of the announcements will be read to students during first period each day. These announcements are important and should be listened to carefully. It is the student's responsibility to respond properly to all information contained within the daily announcements. Any information for the announcements must be in the hands of the secretary by 2:00 p.m. if it is to appear in the announcements the following school day. Sponsor approval is necessary before a student announcement will be included.

Before School Supervision of Students
Students should arrive to school starting at 7:00 a.m. Supervision in school is provided starting at 7:00 a.m. until 24:00. (00:00 till 07:00 students are under night watch supervision). We cannot be responsible for your child if they arrive before the supervised times. Every effort is made to supervise students in a way that promotes safety and well-being.

Distribution of Materials
Non-school materials (written materials, hand bills, photographs, pictures, petitions, films, tapes, posters, or other visual or auditory materials) may not be posted, sold, circulated, or distributed on any school campus by a student or a non-student without prior approval of the principal. Any student who posts material without prior approval will be subject to disciplinary action. Materials displayed without approval will be removed.

Lockers and cubbies are provided to students for their convenience to keep necessary school materials. Lockers and cubbies are to be used for the storage of backpacks, books and school-related equipment. Students are responsible for the proper care of lockers, cubbies, and locks. Lockers and cubbies are not to be defaced in any manner including, but not limited to, scratching, writing, etc. Any item to be placed on the outside of the locker or cubby must first be approved by the administration or it will be removed. The school accepts no responsibility for the safety of any items left in a locker or cubby and further advises against leaving any valuable items in lockers since they are not constructed in a manner to provide total security.

The school reserves the right to enter any locker or cubby at any time. However, no item will be removed from the locker or cubby without the student's knowledge or when witnessed by a school administrator and at least one other adult. Locks are provided for lockers by the school at no cost. However, school issued locks not returned when the student checks out of school must be paid for. Only school issued locks may be used.

Due to maintenance issues, tape must not be placed on the inside or outside surfaces of the lockers or cubbies. The use of plastic-tac and magnets on locker surfaces is permitted.

Students are not allowed to share lockers.

The school maintains the authority to issue, reassign, or deny locker privilege when necessary.

School Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
FEYDEY dining programs at our main campus building includes three completely refurbished dining rooms on site with capacity for 240 people. The Swiss Alpine Centre has provided the highest quality Swiss and international cuisine for over 50 years. We understand the importance of a balanced diet to ensure a healthy and energetic lifestyle.

Meals include a hearty continental breakfast with bread, jams, butter, cereals, yogurts, fruits, juices, coffee and tea. Lunch and dinner are served buffet-style with a choice between two main courses and their side dishes. This include soup, a generous salad buffet, dessert and fruits. An experienced and talented kitchen team is always available to accommodate requests for special meals and diets.

During the weekends, while students attending excursion or any other school activities outside of campus, students will be provided pAcked lunch.

Computer Resources
Acceptable Use Policy: Network & Internet Access

FEYDEY Internet access to students which provides vast, diverse and unique resources for students and staff. Our goal in providing this resource is to promote a community of educational excellence by facilitating resource sharing, innovation and communication.

FEYDEY LMS (Learning Management System) gives students the unique opportunity to Personalize learning, meaning that the content is customized to the interests and learning style of each individual student.

Each student's learning process is individualized, meaning that different students will start at different points in the curriculum and move at their own speed. These students will be evaluated against their ability to demonstrate understanding of a particular subject and showcase their skill.

Each student's independent online learning journey at FEYDEY is supported by professional British and American teachers. Daily scheduled webinars or on-demand live instruction are available throughout the Academic Year.

Students will be regularly asked to make school applicable to real-life. Projects within courses will ask students to develop, explore, create, communicate and evaluate content in English.

Internet access to computers and people all over the world brings the availability of material that may not be of educational value in the context of the school setting. FEYDEY has taken precautions to filter (block) and monitor access thereby lessening the chances for users to access controversial materials. Users accessing materials deemed inappropriate for school use will be denied Internet privileges.

Use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right. Any action by a student that is determined by an administrator to constitute an inappropriate use of the Internet will result in the removal of those privileges. The following guidelines are provided prior to use so that students and their guardians are aware of the responsibilities of being a Network User.

Network Etiquette & Online Conduct
You are expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of "netiquette." These include but are not limited to the following:
  1. Be polite. Do not be abusive in your messages to others.
  2. Use appropriate language. Do not swear, use vulgarities or any other inappropriate language.
  3. Illegal activities are strictly forbidden.
  4. Do not use the Network for personal profit or as a business or in such a way that you would disrupt the use of the Network by other users.
    i.e.: Chat rooms are not allowed. Game sites are allowed only during Community Lab hours and only by those students who are receiving passing grades.
  5. Do not submit, publish, or display any defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, racially offensive, or illegal material. Not even in User e-mail accounts!
  6. All communications and information accessible via the network are assumed to be the property of the author and are protected by applicable Swiss and International Copyright Laws.

Student use of e-mail is not allowed during the school day except for academic purposes.
Electronic mail, or e-mail, is not guaranteed to be private, either within the local network or on the World Wide Web. Users should not reveal personal addresses or phone numbers. Messages relating to or in support of illegal activities will be reported to the authorities. E-mail is not allowed during the school day except for academic purposes.
Each teacher and student will have personal e-mail provided by school Name.Lastname@feydey.com
The system administrators will not intentionally inspect the contents of e-mail sent by users without the consent of the sender or the recipient, unless:
1. required to do so by law or,
2. required to do so by the policies of FEYDEY Administration,
3. to investigate complaints regarding e-mail which is alleged to contain defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, racially offensive, or illegal material.

Security on any computer system is a high priority. Attempts to login to the system using another user's account, or as an administrator, will result in termination of the user's account. Students should immediately notify a system administrator if their password is no longer secure or they believe that someone has obtained unauthorized access to their account. Any student identified as a security risk or having a history of problems within other networks may be denied student privileges to the FEYDEY Network.

Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to harm or destroy the data of another user, the Network, the Internet, or any of the agencies or networks that are connected to the Internet backbone. This includes, but is not limited to, the uploading or creation of computer viruses. Vandalism will result in cancellation of student privileges, and possible further disciplinary action.

Termination of Account
A student's access to, and use of, the Network may be terminated at any time by the student simply by notifying the administrator.
An administrator reserves the right, at their sole discretion, to suspend or terminate student access to and use of the Network upon any breach of terms and conditions of the user contract and Agreement.
FEYDEY administration, faculty and staff may request the System Administrator to deny, revoke or suspend student access. Prior to a suspension or termination or as soon as is practicable, the System Administrator will inform the student of the suspected breach and give the student the opportunity to present an explanation.
A more detailed version of this Acceptable use Policy can be found in the FEYDEY LMS manual. Copies can be obtained from the Administration Office.

Guidance & Counselling
FEYDEY recognises that guidance and counselling are an important part of the total program of instruction. The general goal of this program is to help students achieve the greatest personal value from their educational opportunities. FEYDEY guidance and counselling will:
  1. 1.Provide students with planned opportunities to develop future career and educational plans.
  2. 2.Refer students with special needs to appropriate specialists and agencies.
  3. 3.Aid students in identifying options and making choices about their educational program.
  4. 4.Provide for a follow-up of students who further their education and/or move into the world of work.
  5. 5.Assist students in developing a sense of belonging and self-respect.

School Therapy
School Therapy is a school-based counselling service dedicated to helping students with mental health needs. This is a voluntary program. Contact the Main Office for more information.

Library & Media Center
The Library/Media Centre is designed to assist students with research, study and book checkouts. In addition to assuring a place for quiet study, the librarians will also help students find recreational reading materials, and teach the use of library resources such as the available databases and Interlibrary Loan.
Students are encouraged to use the Media Centre before and after school, as well as during appropriate school hours. Media Centre hours are from 7:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.


School-Wide Expectations

  1. 1.Be Safe.
  2. 2.Be Responsible.
  3. 3.Be Respectful
Each student will be responsible for providing a positive and healthy environment for others by maintaining order and self-discipline, and by having consideration for the rights and property of others. Each student will bear the responsibility for his or her own conduct.

Each student will respect other students, teachers, administrators, other school personnel and visitors as human beings and fellow citizens of the school community.

Each student will refrain from fighting, creating disturbances, denying others the use of school facilities or buildings, using or carrying any weapon, or toy that looks like a weapon, on school grounds, intentionally injuring another person or acting in such a manner as to expose others to risk or danger of harm or injury.

A student will not use threats or intimidation against any other person.

Each student will respect the health and safety of others and will refrain from possession and/or use of tobacco, or using, possessing, transmitting or being under the influence of any alcoholic beverage, narcotic substance, illegal or prohibited drug substance, or engaging in any gambling, extortion, theft, assault, excessive noise or any other unlawful activity.

Each student will respect the education process and learning environment of others by refraining from intentional or habitual tardiness, unexcused absences, or any other activities that diminish the rights of others and the opportunity for other students to receive and education and obtain the maximum benefit from a public education.

We strive to ensure that all students are taught the school-wide expectations and appreciate your partnership in reinforcing the same high expectations at home. Each student will show respect to every school employee by addressing him/her as Mr., Ms., or Mrs., followed by the employees' last name.

Student Expectations
School personnel have the authority to hold a student strictly accountable for disorderly conduct in school, on the way to or from school, or during breaks.
Consequences may be given to any student guilty of gross disobedience or misconduct, including but not limited to instances set forth below:
Using, possessing, distributing, purchasing, or selling tobacco products.

Using, possessing, distributing, purchasing, or selling alcoholic beverages. Students who may be under the influence of alcohol will not be permitted to attend school functions and will be treated as though they have alcohol in their possession.

Using, possessing, distributing, purchasing, or selling illegal drugs or controlled substances, look-alike drugs, and drug paraphernalia. Students who may be under the influence of such substances will not be permitted to attend school functions and will be treated as though they have drugs in their possession.

Using, possessing, controlling, or transferring a firearm or weapon.
Using, possessing, controlling, or transferring any object that reasonably could be considered or used as a weapon.
Disobeying directives from staff members or school officials or disobeying rules and regulations governing student conduct.
Using violence, force, noise, coercion, threats, intimidation, fear, or other comparable conduct toward anyone or urging other students to engage in such conduct.
Causing or attempting to cause damage to, or stealing or attempting to steal, school property or another person's property.
Engaging in any activity that constitutes an interference with school purposes or an educational function or any other disruptive activity.
Unexcused absenteeism. Truancy statutes and Board of Trustees policy will be utilized for chronic and habitual truants.

Hazing or bullying.
Forging any signature or making any false entry or attempting to authorize any document used or intended to be used in connection with the operation of a school.
Violations of the student dress code.
Public display of affection.

The above stated grounds for consequences for misconduct apply whenever a student's conduct is related to school or school activities, including but not limited to the circumstances set forth below:
On, or within sight of, school grounds before, during, or after school hours or at any other time when school is being used by a school group.
Off school grounds at a school-sponsored activity or event or any activity or event that bears a reasonable relationship to school.
Travel to and from school or a school activity, function, or event.
Anywhere conduct may reasonably be considered to be a threat
or an attempted intimidation of a staff member or an interference with school purposes or an educational function.
The above stated grounds for consequences for misconduct apply whenever a student's conduct is related to school or school activities, including but not limited to the circumstances set forth below:
On, or within sight of, school grounds before, during, or after school hours or at any other time when school is being used by a school group.
Off school grounds at a school-sponsored activity or event or any activity or event that bears a reasonable relationship to school.
Travel to and from school or a school activity, function, or event.
Anywhere conduct may reasonably be considered to be a threat
or an attempted intimidation of a staff member or an interference with school purposes or an educational function.

Consequences for misconduct include but are not limited to:

  1. Expulsion
  2. Suspension
  3. Detention, including Saturdays
  4. Clean-up duty
  5. Writing assignments specific to the behavior
  6. Loss of student privileges
  7. Loss of activity privileges
  8. Notification to juvenile authorities and/or police
  9. Restitution for damages to school property
  10. Warning
  11. Time out
  12. Conference with teacher or principal
  13. Letter or call to parents
  14. Parent conference
No FEYDEY employee may inflict or cause to be inflicted corporal punishment on a student. Corporal punishment does not include reasonable force district personnel are permitted to use as needed to maintain safety for other students, school personnel, or other persons or for the purpose of self-defense.

Last update May 20, 2020

FEYDEY has as its primary goal the creation of a safe and orderly learning environment for every student, while at the same time protecting the rights and responsibilities of all those involved in the educational process. In order to accomplish this goal, everyone, and especially students, should realize that the rights of those involved in the educational process are balanced with personal responsibilities.

When students choose to behave in any manner contrary to the expectations of the school, they will be considered in violation of the school code of conduct, and will be subject to discipline according to the guidelines that follow.

Every effort will be made to work cooperatively with students, parents, teachers, and administrators to deal with disciplinary situations without interrupting the education of the students. There may be however, occasions when this is impractical or impossible.

School authorities will consider all available evidence before dispensing consequences, and aggravating or mitigating circumstances will also be taken into consideration. These circumstances may include but are not limited to:

Seriousness of the offense
Program placement
Attitude & age of student
Pattern of conduct
Degree of cooperation
Other relevant information

The intent of FEYDEY when exercising disciplinary authority is to ensure fairness and consistency while maintaining a safe and orderly learning environment.

"A teacher has the authority to hold a pupil to a strict accountability for disorderly conduct in school, or outside of school, or during intermission and recess."

In order to help ensure a safe and orderly learning environment, teachers will:
  1. Develop and post classroom rules and consequences, which have administrative approval, in a clearly visible location in the classroom.
  2. Explain these rules to students at the beginning of the year, and review as necessary.
Teachers will personally deal with violations of classroom rules, except in extreme cases.

Typical Classroom Offenses:

1. Disruptive behavior (excessive talking, disrespect, note writing, etc.)
2. Non-participation.
3. Cheating, copying, forgery.
4. Inappropriate language.
5. Gum, food, and drinks in class without permission.
6. Other behaviours that violate posted classroom rules.

Consequences will be applied according to posted rules and consequences. Consequences may include such measures as verbal warning, written, warnings, holding students during lunch, after class, at lunch, or after school, parent contact (by telephone, e-mail, or by letter), parent/teacher conferences, or other consequences at the discretion of the teacher and/or parent. Teachers will document all offenses and their consequences. Serious or repeated misbehavior may be referred to the administration. Parents will be notified by teachers of repeated misbehaviors and parent conferences may be requested before referral to the administration.

Delegation of Authority
Each teacher, and any other school personnel when students are under his/her charge, is authorized to impose any disciplinary measure, other than suspension, or expulsion, corporal punishment or in-school suspension, which is appropriate and in accordance with the policies and rules on student discipline. Teachers may remove students from a classroom for disruptive behavior.

Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drug Free Environment
The FEYDEY maintains tobacco, alcohol, and drug-free buildings and grounds. Tobacco includes but is not limited to cigarettes, e-cigarettes, cigars, snuff, smoking tobacco, smokeless tobacco, tobacco-less chew, nicotine free chew or nicotine delivery innovation. Students are prohibited by FEYDEY law and policy from using or possessing tobacco, alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs.
Use of tobacco products, alcohol, and drugs in a school building or on school property is prohibited.
Further, the use, possession or distribution of tobacco, alcohol, or illegal drugs on school property, or in connection with any school activity is prohibited.

A student who uses, possesses, controls, or transfers a firearm, or any object that can reasonably be considered, or looks like, a firearm, shall be expelled for a definite period of time of at least one (1) calendar year. The Board of Trustees, however, may modify the expulsion period on a case-by-case basis. The principal or designee shall notify the criminal justice or juvenile delinquency system of any student who brings a firearm to school.

Any person who possesses, carries or stores a weapon in a school building, except as provided below, shall be referred to law enforcement for immediate prosecution, as well as face disciplinary action by the District. In addition, a parent or guardian of any minor violating this policy shall also be referred for possible prosecution, on the grounds of allowing the minor to possess, carry or store a weapon in a school building.

For the purposes of this section only, the following terms are defined: "school building" shall be defined as all buildings owned or leased by a local school that are used for instruction or for student activities:

"Weapon" means any object, device or instrument designed as a weapon or through its use is capable of threatening or producing bodily harm or which may be used to inflict self-injury including, but not limited to, any firearm, whether loaded or unloaded; air guns; pellet guns; BB guns; fake weapons; all knives; blades; clubs; explosives; fireworks; mace or other propellants; stun guns; ammunition; poisons; chains; arrows; and objects that have been modified to serve as a weapon.

No person shall possess, use, or distribute any object, device, or instrument having the appearance of a weapon, and such objects, devices, or instruments shall be treated as weapons, including but not limited to weapons listed above which are broken or non-functional, look-alike guns; toy guns; and any object that is a facsimile of a real weapon.

No person shall use articles designed for other purposes (i.e., lasers or laser pointers, belts, combs, pencils, files, scissors, etc.) to inflict bodily harm and/or intimidate, and such use will be treated as the possession and use of a weapon.

Weapons may be confiscated depending on situation, type of weapon, etc.


The goal of search and seizure with respect to students is meeting the educational needs of children and ensuring their security. The objective of any search and/or seizure is not the eradication of crime in the community. Searches may be carried out to recover stolen property, to detect illegal substances or weapons, or to uncover any matter reasonably believed to be a threat to the maintenance of an orderly educational environment. The Board of Trustees authorizes school authorities to conduct reasonable searches of school property and equipment, as well as of students and their personal effects, to maintain order and security in the schools.

The search of a student, by authorized school authorities, is reasonable if it is both: (1) justified at its inception, and (2) reasonably related in scope to the circumstances which justified the interference in the first place.

School authorities are authorized to utilize any reasonable means of conducting searches, including but not limited to the following:

  1. 1.A "pat down" of the exterior of the student's clothing by a school authority of the same sex;
  2. 2.A search of the student's clothing, including pockets;
  3. 3.A search of any container or object used by, belonging to, or otherwise in the possession or control of a student; and/or
  4. 4.Devices or tools such as breath-test instruments, saliva test strips, etc.
Search of School Property, Equipment & Personal Effects of Students

School authorities may inspect and search school property and equipment owned or controlled by the district (such as lockers, desks, and parking lots).

The Superintendent may request the assistance of law enforcement officials, including their use of specially trained dogs, to conduct inspections and searches of lockers, desks, parking lots, and other school property and equipment for illegal drugs, weapons, or other illegal or dangerous substances or material. Searches conducted by law enforcement officials in accordance with such a request will be handled in accordance with law enforcement standards and protocols for search and seizure.

Search of Students
School officials may search any individual student, his/her property, or district property under his/her control, when there is a reasonable suspicion that the search will uncover evidence that he/she is violating the law, Board of Trustees policy, administrative regulation, or other rules of the district or the school. Reasonable suspicion shall be based on specific and objective facts that the search will produce evidence related to the alleged violation. The types of student property that may be searched by school officials include but are not limited to lockers, desks, purses, backpacks, student vehicles parked on district property, cellular phones, or other electronic communication devices.

Students may not use, transport, carry, or possess illegal drugs or any weapons in their vehicles on school property. While on school property, vehicles may be inspected at any time by staff, or by contractors employed by the district utilizing trained dogs, for the presence of illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, or weapons. In the event the school has reason to believe that drugs, drug paraphernalia, or weapons are present, including by alert-trained dogs, the student's vehicle will be searched. Also, by parking in the school parking lots, the student consents to having his/her vehicle searched if the school authorities have any other reasonable suspicion to believe that a violation of school rules or policy has occurred.

Student vehicles parked on school district property that are the subject of a drug dog alert may result in a criminal investigation by law enforcement officials subject to a search warrant.

Seizure of Property
When a search produces evidence that a student has violated or is violating either a law or district policies or rules, such evidence may be seized and impounded by school authorities and disciplinary action may be taken. As appropriate, such evidence may be transferred to law enforcement authorities.

Video Surveillance
The Board authorizes the use of video cameras on district property to ensure the health, welfare, and safety of all staff, students, and visitors to district property and to safeguard district buildings, grounds, and equipment. The Principal will approve appropriate locations for video cameras.

The Principal will notify staff and students, through staff and student handbooks or by other means, that video surveillance may occur on school property. A notice will also be posted at the main entrance of all district buildings, and on all buses, indicating the use of video surveillance.

Equal Education, Nondiscrimination and Sex Equity
The district will make equal educational opportunities available for all students without regard to race, colour, national origin, genetic information, ancestry, sex, ethnicity, language barrier, religious belief, physical or mental handicap or disability, economic or social condition, or actual or potential marital or parental status, or gender identity, sexual orientation, or failure to conform to stereotypical notions of masculinity or femininity.

No student will be denied equal access to programs, activities, services, or benefits or be limited in the exercise of any right, privilege, or advantage, or denied equal access to educational and extracurricular programs and activities.

Inquiries regarding discrimination or intimidation should be directed to the Swiss law. Any individual may file a complaint alleging violation of school policy.

The school, in compliance with federal regulations, will notify annually all students, parents, staff, and community members of this policy and the designated coordinator to receive inquiries. This annual notification will include the name and location of the coordinator and will be included in all handbooks.

Bullying, Harassment, Intimidation, Hazing, etc.
FEYDEY strives to provide a positive and productive learning and working environment. Bullying, harassment, intimidation, or hazing, by students, staff, or third parties, is strictly prohibited and shall not be tolerated. This includes bullying, harassment, or intimidation via electronic communication devices ("cyber bullying").

"Hazing" includes but is not limited to any act that recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of initiation or as a condition or precondition of attaining membership in or affiliation with any district-sponsored activity or grade-level attainment, including but not limited to forced consumption of any drink, alcoholic beverage, drug, or controlled substance, forced exposure to the elements, forced prolonged exclusion from social contact, sleep deprivation, or any other forced activity that could adversely affect the mental or physical health or safety of a student; requires, encourages, authorizes, or permits another to be subject to wearing or carrying any obscene or physically burdensome article, assignment of pranks to be performed, or other such activities intended to degrade or humiliate.

Bullying, harassment, intimidation, or hazing that occurs on school grounds immediately before, after or during school hours, anytime the school is being used by a school group/organization, off school grounds at a school-sponsored event or activity, traveling to or from school or school-sponsored event, or off school grounds when actions may be considered a disruption to the school day or educational environment of any student(s) is prohibited and is subject to discipline action.

"Bullying" means anyone who repeatedly uses physical, verbal (including spoken and written language), and/or cyber forces in a negative manner toward or in regard to another person. This may include but is not limited to: actions of malintent concerning age, colour, creed, race, national origin, ancestry, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical attributes, physical or mental ability or disability, political beliefs, socioeconomic status, perceived reputation or family status.

"Physical Bullying" means the repeated use of force toward a person's body or personal belongings. Examples could include: Hitting, punching, shoving, kicking, tripping, spitting, elbowing, shoulder checking, pinching, flicking, throwing objects, hair pulling, restraining, inappropriate touching, damaging physical property

"Verbal Bullying" means repeatedly using negative and/or damaging words (including both spoken and written) toward or in regard to another person (with malintent). Examples could include: Negative comments, name calling, lies, rumours, racial slurs, teasing, cussing, threats, fake complements, using the R word, sexual orientation attacks

"Cyber Bullying" means repeatedly using social media, email, or electronic devices in a negative manner toward or in regard to another person. Examples could include: Posting negative comments, fake profiles, sexting, making fun of photos, tagging photos, Twitter fights, posting negative videos, texting photos, negative status posts, hate blogs, hate pledges, texting rumours, hacking profiles, nasty emails, sending mean forwards.

"Harassment, intimidation, or bullying" means any act that substantially interferes with a student's educational benefits, opportunities, or performance, that takes place on or immediately adjacent to school grounds, at any school-sponsored activity, on school-provided transportation, at any official school bus stop, or anywhere conduct may reasonably be considered to be a threat or an attempted intimidation of a student or staff member or an interference with school purposes or an educational function, and that has the effect of:

Physically harming a student or damaging a student's property;

Knowingly placing a student in reasonable fear of physical harm to the student or damage to the student's property.

Creating a hostile educational environment.

Any student, employee, or third party who has knowledge of conduct in violation of this policy or feels he/she has been a victim of hazing, harassment, intimidation, or bullying in violation of this policy is encouraged to immediately report his/her concerns to the principal or the superintendent who have overall responsibility for such investigations. A student may also report concerns to a teacher or school counsellor, who will be responsible for notifying the appropriate district official.

Students whose behaviour is found to be in violation of this policy will be subject to discipline up to and including expulsion.

Retaliation and Reprisal

Retaliation is prohibited against any person who reports or is thought to have reported a violation, files a complaint, or otherwise participates in an investigation or inquiry. Such retaliation shall be considered a serious violation of Board of Trustees policy, whether or not a complaint is substantiated. False charges shall also be regarded as a serious offense and will result in disciplinary action or other appropriate sanctions.

Sexual Harassment, Sexual Intimidation, and Sexual Misconduct
Sexual harassment, sexual intimidation, and sexual misconduct are forms of discrimination and are prohibited. An employee, or student engages in sexual harassment, sexual intimidation, and sexual misconduct whenever that individual makes unwelcome advances, requests sexual favours, or engages in other verbal, non-verbal, electronic or physical contact or conduct of a sexual or sex-based nature, imposed on the basis of sex, that:

1. Denies, deprives, or limits the provision of educational aid, benefits, services, opportunities, or treatment, or that makes such conduct a condition of a student's academic status; or

  1. Has the purpose or effect of:
  2. Substantially interfering with a student's educational environment;
  3. Creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment;
  4. Denying, depriving or limiting the provision of educational aid, benefits, services, opportunities, or treatment; or
  5. Making submission to or rejection of such unwelcome conduct the basis for academic decisions affecting a student.

Sexual harassment, sexual intimidation and sexual misconduct prohibited by this policy includes verbal, electronic, or physical contact or conduct. The terms "intimidating," "hostile," "misconduct," and "offensive" include conduct that has the effect of humiliation, embarrassment, or discomfort. Examples of sexual harassment, sexual intimidation, and sexual misconduct include but are not limited to unwelcome or forceful physical touching, crude jokes or pictures, discussions of sexual experiences, pressure or requests for sexual activity or favours, intimidation by words, actions, insults, or name calling, teasing related to sexual characteristics, and spreading rumours related to a person's alleged sexual activities. The District will evaluate sexual harassment, sexual intimidation, and sexual misconduct in light of all circumstances.

Students who believe that they may have been sexually harassed, intimidated, or been subjected to sexual misconduct should consult a counsellor, teacher, coordinator, or administrator, who will assist them in the complaint process. Supervisors or teachers who knowingly condone or fail to report or assist a student to take action to remediate such behaviour of sexual harassment, intimidation, or misconduct may themselves be subject to discipline. The School will report any suspected child abuse or neglect to proper authorities in accordance with Swiss law. The School is authorised to report any violation of this policy to law enforcement that is suspected to be a violation of Canton or federal criminal laws.

To the greatest extent possible, the school will treat complaints in a confidential manner. The school realises that limited disclosure may be necessary in order to complete a thorough investigation. Retaliation against persons who file a complaint is a violation of law prohibiting discrimination and will lead to disciplinary action against an offender.

Any individual seeking further information should consult the Coordinator, who is responsible for coordinating school compliance efforts.

Any person who knowingly makes a false accusation regarding sexual harassment, intimidation or misconduct likewise will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including discharge with regard to employees or suspension and expulsion with regard to students.

The faculty at FEYDEY is committed to teaching students how to become ethical users of information and ideas. It is our responsibility not only to educate students in the research process and mechanics of writing and proper documentation, but also to hold these students accountable for honest work. Whether an assigned project is in a visual, written or spoken format, students are expected to accurately reference all sources of information consulted for the project. Plagiarism is regarded as a serious offense and will not be tolerated by FEYDEY or any other institution of higher learning. It is an expectation that all departments and students adhere to and enforce this policy.

Definition of Plagiarism

Plagiarism is defined as:

Copying of another person's ideas and/or works, whether intentional or not, in whole or in part, from a print or non-print source, and using those ideas or works as one's own.

Deliberate and/or consistent lack of proper documentation and citation in the project or paper.

In-text documentation that is not reflected in the Works Cited page.

Closed Campus
FEYDEY has closed campuses.

Due to safety concerns, and the fact that we offer a nutritional hot lunch program, students will not be allowed to leave campus at any time during the school day. If a student needs to leave at lunch, the parent must physically come to the school and check the student out and return with that student upon check-in or provide written consent to school administration.

Hallways & Restrooms
Students are expected to utilize hallways and restrooms appropriately. They are not designed for social gathering which can create problems for other students during transition periods. Sitting or loitering on stairs or in doorways cannot be permitted since obstruction of these areas creates a safety hazard.

Students are required to have a hall pass in their possession when leaving the classroom during a class period.

Student Dress Code
The FEYDEY believes that good grooming and personal appearance are essential elements in the teaching and learning process, and that student dress is a direct reflection of the school and the community. Although the school will allow a wide variety of clothing styles, dress and grooming must not materially or substantially disrupt the educational process of the school or create a health or safety hazard for students, staff, or others. Principals, other administrators, and faculty have the authority to use discretionary judgment to prohibit such dress based on past or current circumstances. Unless otherwise stated, this dress code applies to normal school hours; however, such rules and regulations may be enforced at any school function or activity where the wearing of such dress is inappropriate for the type of activity, or such dress is determined to be potentially disruptive or dangerous. Rules and regulations apply to all students, unless exceptions are granted due to a student's disability, medical condition, or other exceptions approved by the principal.

Good grooming and personal appearance are essential elements in the teaching and learning process.

Basic Dress Code Guidelines

  • ⎭Appropriate dress for students must be worn that does not reveal the body in an inappropriate manner.
  • ▪No cleavage, midriff, or underwear (including bra straps) may show.
  • ▪Tops with extra-wide armholes shall not be worn during school or extracurricular activities.
  • ▪Shoulder straps should be the width of a credit card.
  • ▪Tops with spaghetti straps shall not be worn at school.
  • ▪Tight, inappropriate or revealing clothing is considered inappropriate and shall not be worn at school.
  • ⎭Appropriate undergarments must be worn.
  • ⎭Shorts, skirts, and dresses too short in length are not allowed.
  • ▪A general guide to the length is that the item should fall below the tips of the fingers when arms are fully extended to the side. However, due to physical differences in some students, this guide may mean some items are still too short.
  • ⎭All spandex, leggings, and tights can only be worn if the front, hip, and buttock areas are covered completely.
  • ⎭Clothing and accessories such as backpacks, patches, jewellery, and notebooks must not display:
  • ▪Racial or ethnic slurs/symbols
  • ▪Gang affiliations
  • ▪Vulgar, subversive, or sexually suggestive language or images
  • ▪nor, should they promote products which students may not legally buy; such as alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs
  • ⎭Any items, including earrings, body piercings, hair, etc., that distract or draw unnecessary attention is not allowed.
  • ⎭Oversized chains are not allowed at school or on school buses.
  • ⎭Pajamas and bedroom slippers are not allowed.

Communication Devices
Student possession and use of cellular phones, pagers, and other electronic signalling devices on school grounds, at school-sponsored activities, and while under the supervision and control of school employees is a privilege which will be permitted only under the circumstances described herein. At no time will any student operate a cell phone or other electronic device with video capabilities in a locker room, bathroom, or other location where such operation may violate the privacy right of another person. Using a device in this manner constitutes a violation of the law and law enforcement will be notified.

Students may use cellular phones, pagers, and other electronic devices on campus before school begins and after school ends. In addition, High School and Junior High School students may use these devices during passing time and at lunch break. Smart watches, cell phones, IPods, MP3 players, and other electronic devices with communication capabilities must be turned off and placed in teacher provided cell phone holders or lockers during instructional hours. Unauthorized use of such devices disrupts the instructional program and distracts from the learning environment. Therefore, unauthorized use is grounds for confiscation of the device by school officials, including classroom teachers. Unauthorized use of such devices will result in disciplinary action. The district recognizes the instructional value of these electronic devices in classes. Teachers may allow students use of these devices only for instructional activities in class.

Recording is not allowed in classrooms or throughout the school. It is a violation of privacy.

Lunch Detention
Teachers will assign lunch detention for minor infractions.

After School Detention
Students assigned will serve detention time after school from
4:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m..

Suspension & Expulsion
The school recognizes and honours the students' right to pursue an education. However, as provided under FEYDEY regulations, the school will exercise its right to suspend or expel a student when necessary. The school expects all students to know and follow FEYDEY policies and rules. The school considers a student's failure or refusal to comply with FEYDEY policies and rules cause for discipline, including short-term suspension, long-term suspension, or expulsion.

The following definitions apply for purposes of this policy:

"Suspension" means the exclusion of a student from attending individual classes or school and participating in school activities for an initial period not exceed ten (10) school days. An administrator may order suspension of a student.

"Expulsion" is any removal of a student for more than twenty (20) school days without the provision of educational services. Expulsion is a disciplinary action available only to the Board of Trustees.

Upon a finding by a school administrator that the immediate return to school by a student would be detrimental to the health, welfare, or safety of others or would be disruptive of the educational process, a student may be suspended for one (1) additional period not to exceed ten (10) school days, if the student is granted an informal hearing with the school administrator prior to the additional suspension.

In the event the proposed punishment of a student is to include denial of the right of school attendance from any single class or full schedule of classes for at least one day, the following procedure shall be used:

Before suspension, the student shall be provided a conference during which the charges will be explained and the student will be given the opportunity to respond to the charges;

A pre-suspension conference is not required and the student can be immediately suspended when the student's presence poses a continuing danger to persons or property or an ongoing threat of disruption to the educational process. In such cases, the notice and conference shall follow as soon as is practicable.

Any suspension shall be reported immediately to the student's parent or legal guardian. A written notice of suspension shall state the reasons for the suspension, including any school rule which was violated, and a notice to the parent or guardian of the right to a review of the suspension. A copy of a notice shall be sent to the Principal.

Upon request of the parent or legal guardian, the Principal shall review the details of the suspension. At the review, the student and parent or legal guardian may appear and discuss the suspension with the Principal. After the meeting, the Principal shall take such action as appropriate. That action is final.

Students who are absent as a result of an out-of-school suspension do not have the right to make up the work missed; exceptions may be made for final exams, etc.

Behavior Rubric
A student's past discipline records, individual circumstances and severity of a particular incident will determine the specific nature of the consequences. The school administration reserves the right to determine the level of disciplinary action taken.

Grades 6 to 8
(Grade 5 is a preparation year for FEYDEY High School)

Middle School Course of Study
Grade 5 to 8 students have 5 mandatory and 3 elective subjects to learn for most of their school day, and study communication arts (grammar, spelling, and writing), reading, math, science, social studies, art and computer technology. They attend PE classes with specialists in that area of study. 5th and 6th grade students have the opportunity to participate in band.

Mandatory subjects:
English Language, Mathematics, Science (Chemistry, Biology, Physics), Social studies, French, IT, World Geography.

Elective subjects:
Art, Design, Music, Drama, Tourism & Hospitality, Russian, Entrepreneurship, Literature, Creativity, Art History.

Report Cards & Awards assemblies
Report cards will be mailed home on the week following the end of each nine-week grading period. An Awards Assembly will be held the week after report cards go home to honour:
- Academic Excellence,
- Top Project,
- Students of the Month.

Promotion/Retention Policy
Students will be expected to demonstrate a satisfactory level of performance during the school year in order to earn promotion to the next grade. Progress will be monitored during each grading period. Students who fail two or more of the core classes of reading, communication arts, math, social studies, or science will be considered at risk for promotion. Parents will be notified of the school's concern as early as possible during the year. A plan will be developed to help the student progress at a satisfactory level for the remainder of the year. As the end of the year approaches, a final decision regarding promotion or retention will be made. This decision will be based on grades, progress monitoring results, benchmark scores and program based classroom assessments. The student's age, prior retentions, physical and social development, academic progress and potential, attendance and behavior will also be taken into consideration.

Hallway and Building Safety
Do not leave instruments in the halls, on the floor, or in the foyer.
Locker areas should be clean with no open food or drinks.
No drinks besides water are allowed in the classrooms during the school day.

After School Program & Activities (ASPA)
FEYDEY's "My World" After School Program & Activities begins the second week of the school year. The program is open to all grad level students.
ASPA provides the following opportunities Monday through Friday from 4:00-6:45 p.m. and 8:00 to 9:30 p.m.:
Project Based Learning
Fun & Outdoor Education
Homework Help and Tutoring
Requirements for attending ASPA
- Registration form
- At least one parent/guardian must meet with ASPA online or in person.

Physical Education
Students participate in physical education classes on a daily basis as part of a structured recess/physical education program. The goal is to promote physical fitness and social development through play and group activity. Proper footwear is required for student safety.

FEYDEY International Boarding school offers to students and parents a wide range of sports clubs, schools and activities as FEYDEY Tennis Academy, FEYDEY Football Club, FEYDEY Ski & Snowboarding TEAM.

Academic success is further heightened by a healthy life-style. Sports can benefit students in many ways by promoting teamwork, discipline and encouraging productive competition. This is why active sport is integral to the FEYDEY learning ecosystem.

The unique location in the Swiss Alps, and well developed sport infrastructure allows our students to be involved in professional trainings and competitions or simply to enjoy recreational sporting activities available through the FEYDEY Sports Academy

School-Wide Behavior
To protect the learning environment the following items have been banned from school to ensure a safe, orderly atmosphere:
Heelies or cleats
MP3/IPOD/Game Players of any kind
Pop or Energy Drinks during the school day
Electronic Communication Devices (Cell Phones, Smartwatches, Gizmos (May be given to the teacher or kept in backpacks until after school.)
Hats (Indoors)
No makeup.


Grades 9 to 12

Graduation Requirements

2020-2021 College Preparatory & General Education Diploma Students shall be expected to earn a total of twenty five (25) units in order to satisfactorily complete graduation requirements. The following are the credit requirements for FEYDEY High School grades 9-12:

4 …….English Language (I, II, III, IV)
1 …….Physical Science
1 …….Biology
1 …….Chemistry
1 …….Physics
4 …….Math (Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Pre-Calculus)
1 …….Computer Science
1 …….U.S. History
1 …….Government & Civics
1 …….Economics
1 …….Second Language (French, German, Spanish, Russian)
1 …….Health Enhancement
1 …….Vocational/Technical Education (Industrial Arts)
1 …….Business, Leadership, Entrepreneurship)
1 …….Fine Art (Art, Art history, Band/Chorus, etc.)
1 …….Life Skills (Project)
1 …….World History
1 …….Sport
1 …….Innovations & Creativity (Project)

25 Credits

Credit toward graduation requirements may be granted for planned learning experiences from accredited programs, such as summer school, university courses, and correspondence courses. Credit for work experience may be offered when the work program is a part of and supervised by the school.

While only two years of math are required for high school graduation, three years of math (Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II) are the bare minimum for admission to most four-year colleges. Further, a math course during the student's senior year is recommended. Lastly, four years of college preparatory math are required to fulfill the international universities requirement.

FEYDEY High School Credit Recovery Courses
Our mission is to provide students with the opportunity for academic achievement and recognize that some students need additional assistance and opportunities for academic success. Credit recovery classes are available to transfer students and students who have failed a class two times. These courses are not an option for students who simply give up or have poor attendance. All students wishing to enrol in a credit recovery class must be prepared through the principal.

Credit for Athletic Participation
FEYDEY understands that interscholastic athletics are a significant part of the educational process. While our number one goal as a school district is to provide a sound academic experience for all of our students, the combination of academics and extracurricular activities provide a unique opportunity for students to expand their options for learning and personal growth. Extracurricular activities provide an educational opportunity in which students can learn essential life lessons beyond those that can be learned in an academic classroom. By providing a strong extracurricular program, FEYDEY extends the opportunity of enriching the mind and body to any student meeting FEYDEY applicable governing body's requirements.

Students participating in the following school sponsored and sanctioned extracurricular programs at FEYDEY will be issued 1 (one) elective credits upon successful completion of the athletic season. The credit will be awarded on a pass/fail basis.

During 2020 – 2021 year the Athletic Participation, scholarships and credits will be granted to FEYDEY Tennis Academy players.

In order to successfully complete a season and receive credit, students must participate in a minimum of 60 hours, and must remain eligible throughout the season by following the extracurricular code of conduct as outlined in the Extracurricular Activities Handbook. In addition to following all the expectations outlined in the Extracurricular Activities Handbook, student-athletes shall:

1. Model exemplary behaviour and positive attitude, accept winning and losing respectfully, and show respect for teammates and opponents.
2. Give top effort daily, model a high level of participation, be self-motivated, and committed to improving self and others.
3. Model excellent attendance, always be on time and prepared for activity.
4. Be respectful of all peers, help others when needed, follow safety rules, treat equipment with care, and model self-control.
Upon successful completion of the season, grades will be issued and posted to the student's transcript by the head coach.

Early Graduation
Any student interested in early graduation should consult with the principal by November of their junior year. Early graduates must fulfil the same credit requirements as regular graduates. Also, students competing for valedictorian or salutatorian may not graduate early.

Fees (2020 – 2021 Academic Year)
There are several number of different fees payable by students to FEYDEY:

APPLICATION FEE - 550 CHF (Swiss Franck)
- Processing student's application
- Creating Unconditional offer with scholarship
- Preparing Swiss D (student) visa application in school
- Online Interview with student

- Registration of Student at FEYDEY International (Switzerland)
- Conditional offer with scholarship
- Personal Username and Password to FEYDEY LMS

- Autumn TERM 20/09 – 15/12 2020 12 weeks 24 995 CHF
- Winter TERM 10/01 – 27/03 2021 11 weeks 22 995 CHF
- Spring TERM 04/04 – 04/06 2021 9 weeks 19 995 CHF

The annual or monthly fees for extra curriculum classes, one to one classes, sport, excursion and day and evening activates displayed on www.feydey.com

Changing or Dropping Courses
Every effort is made to register students into the course of study they indicate and that the school counsellor approves. All students are encouraged to enrol in challenging classes that will help prepare them for their stated educational and/or vocational goals. Students are allowed to add/drop courses only through the fourth day of instruction each semester.

Seniors must ensure that they are enrolled in courses which are not only rigorous, but that will also best prepare them for their post-secondary plans. Seniors are only able to enroll in one non-academic course. Modifications to this may be granted by the school counsellor.

Report Cards & Transcripts
Report cards will be given to students on the week following the end of each nine-week grading period. Grades are reported to the office and parents by using the letter system of A, B, C, D and F. Mid-term progress report slips will be turned in to the office at the end of the fifth week of each quarter for mailing to parents/guardians.

Transcripts may be requested from either the school secretary or the school counselor. Transcript requests will be processed within two business days.

All classes attempted at FEYDEY and all acceptable transfer credits shall be recorded on the transcript. All grades earned, including failures and repeated courses, shall be recorded and utilized in the calculation of Grade Point Average and class rank. Credit shall be awarded only once regardless of repetition of the course. Courses are repeated only when a student has failed the course initially or in the instance of courses (such as band, choir, etc.) where it is appropriate to enroll in the course more than once. Students may not elect to simply take a course more than once.

Grade Point Average
The successful completion of a credit-bearing class will earn one credit per semester; a half-block class will earn a half credit. Grades earned in regular credit-bearing classes contribute to the student's grade point average by being assigned a numerical value as follows:
A ……..4 points
B ……..3 points
C ……..2 points
D ……..1 point
F ……..0 points

Weighted GPA Policy
In an effort to acknowledge the effort that goes into challenging courses, FEYDEY weighs the following courses: Advanced Placement courses, Running Start courses, Honour courses and other college courses that are approved by the principal. Grades earned in these challenging credit-bearing classes contribute to the student's grade point average by being assigned a numerical value as follows:
A ……..5 points
B ……..4 points
C ……..3 points
D ……..1 point
F ……..0 points

Honor Roll
Each quarter students will be honoured for their hard work and efforts by being listed on the school honour rolls. These honour rolls will be posted in the building and published in the local newspaper. Students will be recognised by their GPA:

  • Honour Roll recognition requires a GPA 3.6 and above.
Running Start Courses

Running Start Courses are dual credit courses that students can take for high school and college credit. The dual credit is outlined as:

  • 2 college credit course is 0.5 high school credits
  • 3 college credit course is 1 high school credit
  • 4 college credit course is 1.5 high school credits
  • 5 college credit course is 2 high school credits

1. Students who drop a Running Start class after FEYDEY's drop date will be charged the tuition amount.

  1. Students who fail a course will be charged the tuition amount.
  2. Training Rules come into play for these courses.
  3. If a student does poorly in a course, there may be financial implications for scholarships and other types of financial aid.
  4. If a student does poorly in a course it could affect their college enrolment status.
  5. Students and parents should maintain communication with the college about grades and school procedures.

Honors Program

The mission of FEYDEY is to provide all students with the opportunity for academic achievement and achieve their fullest potential. We recognize that some students, in order to achieve their fullest potential, need additional opportunities in class to expand their knowledge and experiences. Completing an honors program shows maturity and readiness for college and helps develop good study habits in students.

Students interested in enrolling in the Honours Program at FEYDEY must be aware that they are entering a program designed to deliver a rigorous curriculum which requires students to be motivated, prepared and devoted to working diligently on increasing higher level thinking skills. Honours courses are evaluated by a committee of teachers and administration to ensure that all courses meet a standard of rigour. Students enrolling in any honours course are responsible for meeting the specific pre-requisite requirements and completing the additional assignments assigned by the instructor. These additional assignments may include a semester project and/or additional weekly homework, based on the discretion of the teacher. Taking honours courses requires good time management, good attendance, and appropriate study skills to ensure success. Additional classes and test preparation time may be required and/or assigned by the instructor outside of class time (ex. before school, after school, during the summer or on weekends) to meet the requirements of the honours course.

All honour courses will be labelled on a student's transcript to signify their additional efforts. In order to successfully complete an honours course a student must complete the course with at least a B grade and B grades on each of the honour assignments. If a student fails to meet these requirements the course will be considered a regular course and no honour credit will be given.

Junior high school students must take two honour courses in order to be recognised in the Junior High Academic Awards Assembly in which they will receive a certificate signifying their extra efforts in the honour courses.

In order to graduate FEYDEYl with honours a high school student must have successfully completed four honor courses. During the graduation students will be recognised for their achievement and will have special honour cords signifying their efforts. Also, students graduating with honors will be recognized with an honors diploma.

Academic Lettering
To qualify for an academic award yearly, students in grade 10th (for your 9th grade year), 11th and 12th qualified to receive academic recognition for achieving a 3.6 GPA and higher, weighted and unweighted. Students who qualify are enrolled in academic courses at FEYDEY.

First Academic Letter
Students who have never lettered in a sport or activity previously may purchase a Chenille "T", the Lamp of Learning Insignia and the Graduation Year numerals. Students who previously earned a letter in a sport or activity receive an Academic Letter Award Certificate and Lamp of Learning Insignia.

Second Academic Letter
Students will receive an Academic Letter Award Certificate and Two Bars.

Third Academic Letter
Students will receive an Academic Letter Award Certificate and Three Bars.

If a student moves from FEYDEY or drops out, he or she must obtain a Withdrawal Slip from the school office. The Withdrawal Slip must be signed or initialed by each teacher the student has, including the librarian, coaches and P.E. teachers, to indicate that all books and materials have been returned in good condition. The completed Withdrawal Slip must be returned to the office.

Classification of Students
A Freshmen must have evidence of having earned an eighth grade diploma, or alternate approval of the school administration.
A Sophomore must have earned at least six (6) credits.
A Junior must have earned at least twelve (12) credits.
A Senior must have earned at least eighteen (18) credits.

Class Rankings
In the interest of encouraging and recognizing outstanding academic achievement, a valedictorian and salutatorian will be selected for each high school graduating class. The valedictorian and salutatorian will be selected according to the following procedures:

1. The valedictorian will be the student with the highest grade point average as computed at the end of seven semesters of high school work.

  1. The salutatorian will be the student with the second highest grade point average as computed at the end of seven semesters of high school work.
  2. In case of a tie for valedictorian, co-valedictorian's will be honored.
  3. In case of a tie for salutatorian, co-salutatorian's will be honored.
  4. All classes offering a letter grade (A,B,C,D,F) will be used to compute the grade point average. Pass-fail courses will not
    be considered.
  5. To be eligible for valedictorian or salutatorian honors, a student must be enrolled in FEYDEY prior to and continuously following the tenth school day of the student's senior year. Transfer credits will be allowed from any accredited high school.

Non-Graduating Seniors
Seniors who have not met graduation requirements will not be allowed to participate in graduation ceremonies.

Correspondence Courses
FEYDEY will permit a student to enrol in an approved correspondence course so that the student may include a greater variety of learning experiences within the student's educational program. These courses may be taken under the supervision of the school counsellor.

Credit for correspondence courses may be granted, provided the following requirements are met:

1. Prior permission has been granted by the principal;

  1. 1.The program fits the education plan submitted by the regularly enrolled student;
  2. 2.Credit is granted for the following approved schools:
    1. a.Schools approved by the National University Extension Association or through one of the schools approved by the National Home Study Council;
    2. b.Community colleges, vocational-technical institutes, four-(4)-year colleges and universities and approved private schools; and
    3. c.Other schools or institutions which are approved by the district after evaluation for a particular course offering.
The district is not obligated to pay for a student's correspondence courses.

The district will accept up to two (2) credits of correspondence coursework. Post-secondary credits are calculated differently than high school credits. FEYDEY grants one high school credit for every three post-secondary semester credits. No correspondence courses are allowed that serve to supplant coursework already provided in the regular academic schedule at FEYDEY. Correspondence coursework cannot be used to allow a student to graduate early from high school.

FEYDEY LMS is specifically designed to provide innovative and unique educational opportunities to FEYDEY students. FEYDEY LMS offers credit recovery classes, AP courses, and several elective courses. FEYDEY LMS puts no limits on learning. Students can access coursework whenever and wherever they want, which eliminates any course conflicts allowing more students to graduate on time and enrich their educational experiences.

FEYDEY LMS school year is uninterrupted, running through fall, winter, spring and summer. Students in the summer school classes can access courses at home or while traveling on vacation. FEYDEY LMS breaks down the barriers to make learning as easy as possible.

FEYDEY LMS courses are open to Students who meet the following criteria:

  1. Generally speaking, Junior or Senior status is required. Exceptions to this rule must be approved by the school counsellor, FEYDEY LMS coordinator, and principal. Generally speaking, younger students wishing to take FEYDEY LMS courses must demonstrate an exceptionally high level of maturity, self-motivation, and academic success in order to be considered. If a student does not meet this minimum standard they may appeal to the principal for consideration of a waiver of this policy.
  2. Student must possess at least a 3.0 cumulative high school grade point average.
  3. FEYDEY course withdrawal policies apply to all FEYDEY LMS courses. After the fourth day of the school term, students will not be allowed to drop an online course.
  4. FEYDEY LMS courses will be posted to the THS student's transcript.
  5. If a student would like to do credit recovery through FEYDEY LMS there are no present requirements other than getting permission from the principal and counsellor.
  6. Training rules/extra-curricular eligibility can be impacted by poor performance on FEYDEY LMS classes. Students are encouraged to evaluate their motivation to achieve with little to no direct supervision prior to registering for FEYDEY LMS courses.

School to Work
FEYDEY offers academic credit for approved work experience through its School to Work program. Students earn full credit for placement during the school day and can also earn one half credit for every sixty (60) hours of approved School to Work Experience in the extended day and/or summer setting. Approved FEYDEY Outside Work Experience (FOWE) and School To Work Experiences includes:

  • Local businesses
  • As a teacher aide at one or more of the following settings FEYDEY main office, library, special education teacher aide, and Head Start.
  • Other School to Work Experiences not listed may be approved for full credit through the principal and the School to Work coordinator.
These credits may be earned during the regular instructional day, after school (extended day) or during the summer. Students will earn a letter grade which will be applied towards his/her GPA. Priority placement will be given to seniors followed by juniors. Freshmen and sophomores may request School to Work experience, but it must be approved by the principal and the School to Work coordinator.

Eligibility Requirements

Eligibility to participate in School to Work includes the following:

  • A 2.5 or higher cumulative GPA. Modifications to this would have to be approved through the School to Work coordinator and the principal.
  • Successful completion of the required School to Work paperwork prior to job placement.
  • Approval of the School to Work coordinator.

Study Halls
Study halls are available throughout the school day starting with
Morning Study Hall at 7:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.;
Lunch Study Hall is open during both lunches; and
After School Study Hall is open from 3:10 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Study halls are directed by teachers and are a great opportunity for students to get one-on-one help and individualized assistance.
Study halls also provide a great environment for students to focus and concentrate on getting homework and school projects completed. We encourage students to attend study halls whenever possible.

FEYDEY offers a variety of clubs for students to join and be enriched by. These clubs strengthen leadership skills and allow students to give back to the community:
High School Student Council
Junior High Student Council
Middle School Council
Mentors and Mentees
National Honour Society
International Affairs Club
Foreign Language Club
Art & Design Club
Outdoor Education Club
Business & Leadership Club
Tourism & Hospitality Club
Literacy & Drama Club

If you are interested in joining a club, talk to the respective club advisor.

Every effort is made to afford any student the opportunity to participate in FEYDEY extra-curricular athletics. The student must meet the academic eligibility requirements as well as a desire and willingness to work hard. Team members practice good citizenship at all times, both in the classroom and on the field. The athlete is subject to all of the rules of the school. Student athletes must comply fully with all training rules.

Extra- and Co-Curricular Chemical Use Policy

Students participating in extra- and co-curricular activities, whether sponsored by the FEYDEY or not, shall not use, have in possession, sell, or distribute alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs, or abuse prescription or non-prescription drugs. These rules are in effect 24 hours a day. If a student receives an MIP, or is seen using tobacco, alcohol, or illicit drugs, the student will forfeit the privilege of participating in accordance with the Athletic Training Rules.

This policy applies to middle and high school students who are involved in extra- and co-curricular activities program.

This policy is in effect each school year from the date of the first practice for fall activities until the last day of school or activities, whichever is later. Violations are cumulative, through the student's period of attendance in grades 7-8 and in grades 9-12.

If a determination is made that a student has violated this policy, the student and parent or guardian shall be notified of the violation by telephone when possible, and also by mail. At this time the student and parents or guardian shall be notified of the type of discipline that will be administered.

Public Displays of Affection
Students at FEYDEY are reminded that this is a place of education and that should be their priority. Inappropriate public displays of affection may make observers uncomfortable and are not appropriate in the school setting, at any time on the school campus or at a school function. Examples of inappropriate behavior are kissing, excessive hugging, sitting on laps and "hanging" on each other.


Uniform Complaint Procedure
The Board establishes this Uniform Complaint Procedure as a means to address complaints arising within the District. This Uniform Complaint Procedure is intended to be used for all complaints except those governed by a specific process in canton or federal law that supersedes this process or collective bargaining agreement. Matters covered by a collective bargaining agreement will be reviewed in accordance with the terms of the applicable agreement.

The FEYDEY requests all individuals to use this complaint procedure, when the individual believes the Board or its employees or agents have violated the individual's rights under: canton or federal law or Board policy.

The FEYDEY will endeavour to respond to and resolve complaints without resorting to this formal complaint procedure and, when a complaint is filed, to address the complaint promptly and equitably. The right of a person to prompt and equitable resolution of a complaint filed hereunder will not be impaired by a person's pursuit of other remedies. Use of this complaint procedure is not a prerequisite to pursue other remedies and use of this complaint procedure does not extend any filing deadline related to pursuit of other remedies.

Deadlines requiring FEYDEY action in this procedure may be extended for reasons related but not limited to the FEYDEYs retention of legal counsel and School investigatory procedures.

Level 1: Informal
An individual with a complaint is first encouraged to discuss it with the appropriate employee or building administrator, with the objective of resolving the matter promptly and informally. An exception is that a complaint of sexual harassment should be discussed directly with an administrator not involved in the alleged harassment.

Level 2: Building Administrator
When a complaint has not been or cannot be resolved at Level 1, an individual may file a signed and dated written complaint stating: (1) the nature of the complaint; (2) a description of the event or incident giving rise to the complaint, including any school personnel involved; and (3) the remedy or resolution requested. This written complaint must be filed within thirty (30) calendar days of the event or incident or from the date an individual could reasonably become aware of such event or incident. The applicability of the deadline is subject to review by the Principal to ensure the intent of this uniform complaint procedure is honored.

When a complaint alleges violation of Board policy or procedure, the building administrator will investigate and attempt to resolve the complaint. The administrator will respond in writing to the complaint, within thirty (30) calendar days of the administrator's receipt of the complaint.

If the complainant has reason to believe the administrator's decision was made in error, the complainant may request, in writing, that the Principal review the administrator's decision. (See Level 3.) This request must be submitted to the Principal within fifteen (15) calendar days of the administrator's decision.

When a complaint alleges sexual harassment or a violation, the building administrator may turn the complaint over to a Principal directly. The coordinator will complete an investigation and file a report and recommendation with the Principal. If the complainant is dissatisfied with the Principals's decision, either may request, in writing, that the Board consider an appeal of the Principal's decision. (See Level 4.) This request must be submitted in writing to the Superintendent, within fifteen (15) calendar days of the Superintendent's written response to the complaint, for transmission to the Board.

Level 3: Principal
If the complainant appeals the administrator's decision provided for in Level 2, the Principal will review the complaint and the administrator's decision. The Principal will respond in writing to the appeal, within thirty (30) calendar days of the Principal's receipt of the written appeal. In responding to the appeal, the Principal may: (1) meet with the parties involved in the complaint; (2) conduct a separate or supplementary investigation; (3) engage an outside investigator or other district employees to assist with the appeal; and/or (4) take other steps appropriate or helpful in resolving the complaint.

If the complainant has reason to believe the Principal's decision was made in error, the complainant may request, in writing, that the Board consider an appeal of the Principal's decision. (See Level 4.) This request must be submitted in writing to the Principal, within fifteen (15) calendar days of the Principal's written response to the complaint, for transmission to the Board.

Level 4: The Board of Trustees
Upon written appeal of a complaint alleging a violation the individual's rights under Board policy upon which the Board of Trustees has authority to remedy, the Board may consider the Principal's decision in Level 2 or 3. Upon receipt of written request for appeal, the Chair will either: (1) place the appeal on the agenda of a regular or special Board meeting, (2) appoint an appeals panel of not less than three trustees to hear the appeal and make a recommendation to the Board, or (3) respond to the complaint with an explanation of why the appeal will not be heard by the Board of Trustees in accordance with this policy. If the Chair appoints a panel to consider the appeal, the panel will meet to consider the appeal and then make written recommendation to the full Board. The Board will report its decision on the appeal, in writing, to all parties, within thirty (30) calendar days of the Board meeting at which the Board considered the appeal or the recommendation of the panel. A decision of the Board is final.