• Academic skills
  • Collaboration skils
  • Communication skills
  • Time management skills
  • Speaking & listenings skill

  • Self-confidence
  • Language proficiency
  • Encouraging motivation
  • Learn collaborative work
  • Developing presentation ability

  • Problem Solving
  • Decision Making
  • Self-Assessment
  • Academic Mindset
  • World knowledge

  • Two High School Diplomas
  • Accredited K-12 content
  • College & career ready
  • Learn subjects in English
  • Native-speaking instructors
  • University recom. letter

  • Live tutoring
  • Formative Feedback
  • Self-directed Learning
  • International Webinars
  • 24/7 Academic support
  • K-12 subjects in English
  • Projects Based Learning
  • IELTS & SAT Preparation

  • Personal Data sequrity
  • Modern Educational LMS
  • Blended & Deeper Learning
  • Digital Citizenship
  • 24/7 Technical support
  • Administrative Dashboard
  • Interactive writing tools and virtual manipulatives

  • Problem Solving
  • Decision Making
  • Self-Assessment
  • Academic Mindset
  • World knowledge

  • Two High School Diplomas
  • Accredited K-12 content
  • College & career ready
  • Learn subjects in English
  • Native-speaking instructors
  • University recom. letter
Students will learn:
· Perform successfully on internationally recognized college entrance exams (SAT, ACT, GED IGSCE, A Level)
· To identify modifications to existing knowledge structures and theoretical frameworks and therefore to propose new areas for investigation, new problems, new or alternative applications or methodological approaches.
· To conduct research and produce high quality reports. This includes the ability to select / define / focus on an issue at any given level; to develop and apply relevant methodologies to analyze; to develop recommendations and logical conclusions; and to be aware of the limitations of the research work.
· A range of generic skills relevant to the needs of existing and future managers, executives and professionals, irrespective of their sector of operation. These will include analysis and synthesis, oral and written communication, computing / IT literacy, critical reasoning, data analysis, organization and planning, problem solving, independent and group working and research.
· In addition to industry-specific modules, this program focuses on development strategies and management styles geared towards creating leaders in most industries that can also apply the same skills to a wider commercial market.
Students will be able to:
· Perform successfully on internationally recognized college entrance exams (SAT, ACT, I-GSCE)
· Demonstrate U.S. Common Core content knowledge and skills
· Apply 21st centenary skills throughout rigorous academic courses
· Display systematic, in-depth understanding of the development, issues and influences relevant to self-education
· Showcase a high level of theoretical and applied knowledge of the Learning Management System (LMS)
· Time-management, problem solving skills and self-assessment
· Understand the research process
· Critically evaluate approaches and techniques
· Demonstrate high level learning and problem-solving abilities
· Hone academic skills for University and career readiness
· Create an international mindset through academic and social interactions with students and teachers from around the globe
Academic Skills:
1. Students will be able to build their academic foundation in subjects such as reading, writing, math, and science. They will understand key principles and procedures, recall facts, use the correct language, and draw on knowledge to complete new tasks.

2. LANGUAGE - By leveraging the FEYDEY online curriculum, GSE® students will gain exposure and control over many conventions of standard English grammar including usage, mechanics and conveying of clear messages. They will also be able to determine the meaning of grade-appropriate words encountered through listening, reading, and media use. They will come to appreciate that words have non-literal meanings, shadings of meaning, and relationships to other words; allowing them expand their vocabulary in the course of studying content.

3. Speaking and Listening - by using the FEYDEY online curriculum, GSE® students will have ample opportunities to take part in a variety of rich, structured conversations—as part of a whole class, in small groups, and with a partner. Being productive members of these conversations requires students to contribute accurate, relevant information; respond to and develop what others have said; make comparisons and contrasts; and analyze and synthesize a multitude of ideas in various domains. New technologies have broadened and expanded the role that speaking and listening play in acquiring and sharing knowledge. Digital texts confront students with the potential for continually updated content and dynamically changing combinations of words, graphics, images, hyperlinks, and embedded video and audio.

4. WRITING - By leveraging the FEYDEY online curriculum, GSE® students will learn to use writing as a way of offering and supporting opinions, demonstrating understanding of the subjects they are studying, and conveying real and imagined experiences and events. They learn to appreciate that a key purpose of writing is to communicate clearly to an external and sometimes unfamiliar audience. They begin to adapt the form and content of their writing to accomplish a particular task and purpose. They develop the capacity to build knowledge on a subject through research projects and to respond analytically to literary and informational sources. To meet these goals, GSE® students will devote significant time and effort to writing, producing numerous pieces over short and extended time frames throughout the school year

5. READING - By leveraging the FEYDEY online curriculum, GSE® students will read widely and deeply among a broad range of high quality, increasingly challenging literary and informational texts. Through extensive reading of stories, dramas, poems, and myths from diverse cultures and different time periods, students gain literary and cultural knowledge as well as familiarity with various text structures and elements. By reading texts in history/social studies, science, and other disciplines, students build a foundation of knowledge in these fields that will also give them the background to be better readers in all content areas. Students can only gain this foundation when the curriculum is intentionally and coherently structured to develop rich content knowledge within and across grades. Students also acquire the habits of reading independently and closely, which are essential to their future success.
Students will be able to improve skills that:
· Analyze and synthesize issues related to career reediness. Other skills developed include communication and presentation skills, computing skills, critical reasoning, data analysis, organization and planning, reporting and essay writing skills, problem solving skills, interactive and group skills, and research skills.
· Evaluate the ethical dilemmas likely to arise in research and professional practice, and to formulate solutions in dialogue with peers, clients, mentors, supervisors and others.
· Improve English language knowledge (correct pronunciation, speaking, writing, reading, listening skills), understanding of the structure of the text, spelling technique, grammar;
· Achieve understanding and mastering of technics and modern pedagogy (Blended Learning and Deeper Learning) to learn subjects in English.
· Use innovations and modern technology in education and career development.
· Use knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation supported by educational research.
· Focus on Career skills relating to communication, presentation, confidence, computing skills, critical thinking, data analysis, organization, planning and teamwork.
· Showcase essay writing skills, research, problem solving, interactive group skills and research skills.
· Evaluate ethical dilemmas likely to arise in research and professional practice, and to formulate solutions in dialogue with peers, clients, mentors, supervisors and others.
· Improve the English language knowledge including pronunciation, speaking, listening, writing and reading.
· Improve English literature skills covering comprehension, text structure, use of literary techniques (rhetorical devices), synthesis of multiple text in the creation of an argument etc.
Utilizing Technology
· Online instruction that allows students to engage in an individually paced classroom
· Use of learning models that foster student engagement through achievement
· Extension and revision activities that allow for differentiated learning
· Integrated technology that focuses on long-term memory retention
· Real-time feedback on formative tasks
· Online assisted tutorials that allow students to review and retain content
New Learning style, goals and benefits!
GSE® will equip future leaders with the tools necessary to succeed in a world driven by a 21st century global economy. It will also enable them to analyze the major influences affecting various international industries, as well as a deep-rooted understanding of the issues currently shaping the management of international business and corporations.

This program explores the online learning, theories, tests, practices and projects. Focusing on the development of management skills and strategic thinking, students will develop key industry competences as well as international and intercultural management abilities which are needed in this dynamic and fast-changing world.
Personalized Learning
FEYDEY Online School gives students unique opportunities to personalize learning, meaning that content is customized to the interests and learning style of the individual student. Each student's learning process is individualized, meaning that different students will start at different points and move at their own speed. These students will be evaluated against their ability to demonstrate understanding of a particular subject and showcase skill.
How will this program enhance my professional career prospects?
An important principle of FEYDEY School is the use of computer mediated instruction (Online Learning), and research-based design to centre the learning experience on the needs of the student. The self-confidence, in-depth knowledge, critical evaluation and analysis skills developed through GSE® courses are designed to produce graduates with strong and educated personalities, prepared to apply to top universities worldwide and accelerate their successful careers from young age!

· College Counselling
· Two High School Diplomas
· University pathway tests and examinations
· Ability to Discuss, Research, Debate, Present
· Fluency in speaking, reading and writing in English
· Career Ready (Recommendation letters from PBL tutors)
· In-depth knowledge of academic content and ability explain using real world examples.
Gifted and talented students
FEYDEY aspires to help gifted and talented students by providing them additional opportunities/activities to expand their education through enhanced learning. FEYDEY provides supplemental, and differentiated instruction that promotes greater depth of knowledge and higher levels of thinking. Problem-solving skills and creative thinking are challenged in an online interface that stimulates learning. Higher grade-level instruction may be assigned.
Students experiencing difficulty in learning
FEYDEY provides academic support to students facing difficulty in learning. Students work through differentiated, targeted standards-based content custom tailored to their specific needs. FEYDEY provides online, live instructors to provide one-to-one instructional assistance. The interactive online approach appeals to students with widely varied learning styles. Content areas are assessed by formative and summative assessments embedded in the lessons, and course post-tests check for understanding.