Dr. Ray Lindley
Executive Director of ARRAY Global Services (USA)
Headmaster's Welcome

Welcome to Feydey Online Academy!
One of Switzerland's and The USA's great virtual schools..

As I head into my 50st year of education development, I'm extremely excited, now more than ever, to lead FEYDEY International as its President. Today, there are a lot of aspects affecting the creativity, formation and development of a successful young personality. Every parent is conscious of making a very deliberate and worthwhile decision about how to provide the best for their children. Deciding the most beneficial educational environment, system and culture for which to entrust your child is one of the most important decisions a parent undertakes.

Education continues to play a vital role in the life and future success of every young person. To succeed in today's global society, the modern international student has an advantage, having already lived a lifestyle of learning, developing and growing in a multi-cultural and multi-lingual environment. Recognizing these advantages, international educational opportunities have become the highest priority for parents.

I invite you to explore our website, to discover more about our worldwide learning ecosystem both online and on campus in Leysin and see what makes Feydey International's innovative and modern solutions so remarkable.
FEYDEY Virtual Academy
Grade K to 5
FEYDEY Online Academy
Grade 6 to 8
FEYDEY Virtual Academy
Grade 9 to 12
FEYDEY Online Academy
Feydey Learning Management System
FEYDEY Online Academy presents to its students, parents, and partner institutions, exclusively designed, innovative, fully customisable educational platform to deliver international and/or national curriculums and standards.
Our intention is to foster self-improvement without sacrificing self-identity; to reach for the stars without losing touch with our essential selves; to transcend the boundaries of current thinking, and to tap into the wisdom of previous generations, thus maximising the potential of our students through the creation of powerful educational systems.
Our mission is to provide students with an education that maximises the realisation of their individual talents, enables them to be ready for careers, prepares them for success in a technology and information driven 21st Century economy and delivers a perfect and modern learning model for education and career development.
FEYDEY courses include a variety of scaffolded activities that incorporate an online blended-learning format allowing students to learn as they progress through the course. Blended learning curriculums combine live-tutoring (teacher-guided), individualised learning plans with an online learning platform (LMS) that provides real-time feedback.
FEYDEY Online Academy student (2015 - 2018)
Country - Kazakhstan
2015-2019 - Global Secondary Education (Switzerland)
2015-2017 - NIS Chemistry - Biology (Almaty, Kazakhstan)
2017-2019 - King's College (United Kingdom)
2017-2019 - Saint Michaels University name- KU Leuven
IELTS - 7,5
    Graduation Requirements - 24 credits!
    For GSE® Graduation to receive FEYDEY Transcript and USA High School Diploma, students have to be registered at FEYDEY Online Academy for a minimum of 2 (two) academic Years, successfully cover mandatory and elective 24 credits for grades 9 to 12 (High School) and take external test SAT®, GED® or IGCSE®.
    Depending on each student's personal skills, learning ability and transcript from their home country school, FEYDEY Academic TEAM will design an individualised and personalised learning program to insure the successful achievement of US High School Diploma upon FEYDEY graduation and top University entrance worldwide.

    Dr. Jacob Francom
    Associated Director of ARRAY Global Services (USA)
    Academic Director's Welcome
    Go Beyond with Confidence

    FEYDEY Online Academy seeks students who are intellectually curious and academically driven, eager to engage in our school community, and primed to succeed in our extraordinary online environment. Students build 21st-century competencies valuable for today's world, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, collaboration, communication, creativity, and innovation, all of which are explicitly taught and assessed. This program is a perfect solution for students grades 5 to 12 to earn school credits, transcript, and a USA High School Diploma upon successful graduation, to be prepared for SAT/ACT/IELTS tests.

    We also use 21st Century Modern Pedagogy including:

    FEYDEY has designed an academic program that suits differentiated blended learning curricula as its core curriculum which can combine online and classroom-based direct instruction delivery and individual and group FEYDEY LMS (Learning Management System) based study. The blended learning curriculum incorporates assessments that monitor the student's academic progress in real-time and allows for rapid intervention.

    Deeper Learning is defined, as a set of competencies students must master in order to develop a keen understanding of academic content, which gives students the ability to learn how to learn and apply their knowledge to problems in the classroom and on the job.

    Real-Time Reports (feedback)

    which means that the student's performance is displayed in real-time, allowing educators and parents to respond immediately to difficulties and fill gaps in the student's knowledge.

    Our Learning Management System is supported by research and systems of Cognitive Load Theory, Literacy Across the Curriculum, Critical Mistake Guidance, Integrated Differentiation, Literacy Development, NWEA MAP all integrated to improve teaching, learning, and reporting.

    Personalized & Individualized learning
    Personalized learning meaning that our content is customized to the interests and learning style of the individual student. Each student's learning process is also individualized, meaning that different students will start at different points and move at their own speed, depending on the skills and learning ability of each subject.
    Why join GSE®
    Be ready for University
    Be ready for a NEW career
    Students will learn to use cogent reasoning and evidence collection skills that are essential for success in college, career, and life.
    Be ready for SAT & IELTS
    21st Century Competencies
    Students build competencies valuable for today's world, such as problem solving, critical thinking, collaboration, communication, creativity and innovation, all of which are explicitly taught and assessed.
    Learn K-12 subjects in English
    Skills focus on word identification, background knowledge, fluency and comprehension in English helping students more rapidly improve their English Language.
    USA High School Diploma
    to ensure the achievement of US High School Diploma upon FEYDEY successful graduation and top University entrance worldwide.
    Become international student
    We can estimate your company opportunities, explore your economical status, analyze your vehicle access and foot traffic.
    Manage own learning
    Depending on student's personal skills, learning ability and transcript from their home country school, FEYDEY Academic TEAM will design an individualized and personalized learning program for each of you..
    Become successful leader
    As students complete their individualized learning path components, they engage regularly with interactive elements and assess content that provides the opportunity to gauge their performance against their own goals and expectations.